
Even as an adult, if you aren’t into sports, you’re basically ostracized from a huge bulk of society. At least where I am. It kinda sorta makes a guy bitter. From my perspective, sports is a religion to these people. There is literally no difference between how people approach their worship of whatever god and how

I can relate. I never end up developing an interest in sports because my experience has been more similar to Calvin.

That’s the worst thing about sports: if you refuse to play them (especially as a boy), you’re told that you’re bad at teamwork and human interactions in general. You start associating one with the other, although the connection is tenuous at best (unless you consider the army to be the model for intimacy and

Hi Kevin!
I remember I caught a ball in gym. Once. I was so stunned, I didn’t know what to do with it and I completely overshot the guy I was supposed to throw it to. Calvin and Hobbes was a big deal for me in the 80s, since his experiences mirrored my own so horribly well. I still hate sports. And team activities...

The point is, Tokyo Banana are excellent. They are soft and fluffy on the outside, and on the inside, they have a banana filling that isn’t too sweet or two sugary. And Japanese Kit Kats are the best in the world. They’re crunchy, covered in delicious chocolate and come in interesting flavors. Who doesn’t like them?

To call Ragnarok the best of the Thor movies isn’t saying too much, given that the previous two are among the least-loved MCU entries.

Yeah it was an easy conversion. They just replaced the guitar with a controller and put a fake beard and stache from the dollar store. This is pretty much what Elon has been warning us about.

Yep, Fahey has been a bot for years.

It all makes sense now. Just the other day i was approached by andindividual claiming to work for Ubisoft who offered me a large amount of money to advertise Assassins Creed Origins on various gaming sites.

I’d say there’s something wrong with you if you have problems focusing on the center of the screen when there’s a mini-map. You should only be looking at the mini-map if you’re going somewhere. It’s very strange to be distracted by it in the middle of a game when something is going on.

Oh man, 70s and 80s anime will always be in my heart.

Native American Women should get some representation too.

Sounds like a fantastic idea that’ll get enormously hampered by issues with stock.

I completely agree that in 2017 it shouldn’t be a big deal. But the last 12 months have shown us that bigotry, especially when it’s encouraged by people in power, is very much alive and thriving

I remember seeing some “reviews” in Metacritic where they gave the game zero points and said that it got that because it’s obviously made anti-Trump game about Trump supporters and it’s liberal propaganda.

Yet another post that people at work can’t enjoy because the video wasn’t paraphrased in text. Such a shame. Kotaku was doing so good before, what happened?

I could watch this GIF for hours

and here I was hoping for a manufacturing game