
The good die young.

Wrong, Oliver on the winking....

Yes, my heart breaks for the PTSD suffered by the rapist who got caught, convicted, and was punished with a slap on the wrist.

Turner will have to endure this humiliating protest and live with the shame forever, even if the actual sign-holding peters out in a few weeks.

I'm all for the protest but they should leave their guns at home.

Yeah...... I feel like this is really not ok. Maybe planting a yard sign or something, but *armed* protestors? Adding guns to any emotionally charged gathering is a recipe for disaster. I just hope that he slinks off with his tail between his legs and no one gets shot.

Sounds like a flake? Better now than in a year.

I believe that sex offender registration and punishment is flawed, there are many people who are screwed over for life based on a technicality (like the 19 year old who met up with a 14 year old for sex, and he was punished even though she said she was 17, and she was on a dating site or app she was really too young

You’re on a post about a little boy who was raped and murdered and you’re most worried about internet commenters saying mean things about convicted sex offenders?

So you’re equating stealing with kidnapping, rape and murder? There are a handful of crimes that society can’t be expected to take someone back after they’ve committed them. Throw away the key or execute them. Either way, they shouldn’t be free.

25-30 pounds of fruit a day? How much does is that costing him? In money and in time? It seems like you would spend all your time either eating fruit or sitting on the can.


The best! A true jam lol

Jeezus. I literally jumped back in my chair.

Now playing

Enjoy this footage of white supremacist Craig Cobb learning that his DNA indicates he’s 14% African.

Haha I love this gif so damn much.

Because we have a constitutional right to assemble. Even if the group assembled is human waste, it’s constitutionally protected.

Because of the constitutionally-protected rights to free speech and free association.