Crazy how know about CTE makes you think about other sports and head injuries. We both had the same thought upon hearing the news.
Crazy how know about CTE makes you think about other sports and head injuries. We both had the same thought upon hearing the news.
I wonder if falling a lot during his career led to CTE and depression.
Travolta is so over the top in this. And the makeup? Yeesh. I agree that Schwimmer has no range. He’s just a more overwrought looking Ross here.
Thanks. I am now forced to spend the next hour watching Janet Jackson videos on YouTube. They bring me back to such a happy time! I’m lucky to have her on the soundtrack of my youth.
Jfc, the balls on this fucking guy.
It basically just raised my awareness of how much I sigh throughout the day.
It’s not just better training required for police officers. We need to stop hiring sociopaths for the job.
I feel the same way about on fleek. No...just no.
Not even a silica packet is as thirsty as Rubio is.
Off topic but dermatologists can prescribe antibiotics?! That seems wild.
I’m doing a Mountain Dew cleanse right now. I’ve pissed out 10 pounds* of toxins!
This is what makes Christie’s comment so weird: he doesn’t seem to want to use the word “spank” but then he goes with “beat” instead and then throws “rear end” in there anyway. He manages to keep both the violent language of “kick her ass” and the weird sexual overtones of spanking!
People have different personalities, though. No need to compare women. It’s ok for people—-especially women—-to be tough and no nonsense. I don’t think Judge Judy is mean. If you answer the questions you are asked in a straightforward manner and aren’t obviously making things up she’s pretty chill.
I’m in favour of abolishing the draft entirely.
Sometimes, you’re already on the road, and only then can’t you see shit.