
When I first heard of a blow job in 6th grade, everyone I knew figured it was like literally blowing air on a dick.

I hope he’s also lying about running for President.

I will never get tired of this: Gilbert Gottfried rubbishing Dice’s entire act in two minutes.

I always assumed everything was marked up and the 20% off coupons brought it down to the price they wanted to sell for while making you think you were getting a good deal.

This is also on her list, I know I am not the only one thinking it....

Can we bring back Photoshop of Horrors for this picture of Oprah? Because her head is about to roll right off.

im dead at this picture

this picture is hilarious

Fuck you, Canada! Stop making the United States look bad! We are stuck just trying to make sure guys like this don’t become President:

My apologies to my Canadian friends that I had no idea this election happened. My jaw is on the floor. Holy god.

I think what really alarms me from this is that she’s already “acceptably” skinny in the original photos. And the degree to which they Photoshopped her is actually a really shitty job—it just looks like they squished the “fat” parts of the image in, without considering how that would warp the rest of the image. C-.

Dear Entire Town of Dearborn, Kansas,

Boiling water and barefoot

It's true. The Aussies are a sort of proto-American...what Americans should have been before we became a nation of politically correct asexual neutral gender idiots.

It is so subtlety wonderful. No s on vitamin. No capitalization or punctuation.

Better late than never. Plus, those of us who have never heard of this guy can enjoy the whole collection all at once, rather than be there at beginning and keep having to wait for his next trolling.