

“Going with the natural look...”

She annoys me too, but John Legend’s personality isn't much better. They both seem really self absorbed.

God I want to be that fucking relaxed

Mick ain’t got nothing on this rabbit.

This is the second time you’re making this comment. Clearly you’re not interested in opposing opinions but I’ll make my piece anyway: I would be okay with this woman being in the NAACP and rocking these hairstyles if she was honest about her racial background. But that wasn’t enough for her. She had to take on the

It took a pretty embarrasing amount of time for me to realize that. Now, whenever I hear that -

I seriously laughed out loud at this.

It’s unfortunate he couldn’t just say that there’s no real need for a First Lady. I’m sure he has friends of either gender who have uncontroversial pet causes that he can bring attention to, and I’m equally sure the White House staff is capable of putting on state dinners without a figurehead.


My first car was an ‘88 Subaru GL - 4-door compact sedan with the flat four engine (spare tire was under the hood, sitting on top of the engine!). it was a hand-me-down from my dad a year or two after i got my license (so, mid-90’s-ish).

The 05+ ones aren't that bad. Expect to replace the headgaskets when you do the timing belt service and just work it into your expected costs of ownership.

My question is why weren’t they more popular when they were arguably much better vehicles? When you could tell the models apart without looking at the badge. When the Legacy GT was a stupidly fun sleeper. When only the Justy was infected with a CVT. When the interiors didn’t look like Chinese knockoffs of Scion’s

Pu-leeze, Miley. Tori did it first.

I was pro-choice before I got pregnant, but pregnancy really cemented my belief that access to free and safe abortions is one of the most important issues today. NO ONE should have to go through a pregnancy if they don’t want to. People who say “put the baby up for adoption if you don’t want it” can go fuck

True story. My sister once raised money to save the Brazilian Rain Forest despite the fact that she’s not, in fact, a marmoset.

You are missing the story behind what are arguably the most important AWD Subarus in the brand's history, the first ones: