Was this paid for by Amtrack? Why did I watch this?Please kill me.
Was this paid for by Amtrack? Why did I watch this?Please kill me.
Agreed, Nicole has the only show worth watching in the network!
“A kitten that encounters its first human in its ninth week is likely to be anxious when near people for the rest of its life”
I loved the Colbert Report so much. Late night tv just does not do it for me...I miss you Stephen.
I also use my cruise control on 25 MPH roads to reduce my lead foot from getting tickets, as well as prevent road rage towards the driver in front of me doing the speed limit. Could not live without it on my 1 hour drive to work everyday on the highway.
OK. Does anyone know what the fuck that thing is??
One of my favorite live performances
We’ve already decided that Burt’s Bees is the Only chapstick worth using. Placing petroleum on your lips is a really bad idea folks!
MOAR Jason episodes pleeeeze!
AT YOUR PERIL........................................
AND, the new bull tried to kill him twice. Snuck up behind him and gorged him. I can’t remember if they had to finally put him down, or if the bull actually secceeded in killing him.
I really love the Beatles, especially considering they were just kids when they joined together and 27 when they broke up. They have so many songs, some totally suck and some are amazing.
I bought the most amazing crewel art shower curtain 15 years ago for $100. It was handmade in India, and totally makes my bathroom. I love it to bits!!!
Let’s go back to my teenage wet dream with Headbangers Ball, and Sebastian Bach. Hell yeah!!!!! I miss you Skid Row!
OR people who stop/abandon their shopping cart mid-aisle. Park it off to the side FOR FUCKS SAKE!!!!!
How DO posters become an approved commenter?? I have some posts on a few sub blogs here that are still greyed out after months.