Kit Topher

I came here to say the same thing. The police and the caller are both criminally liable. If a man answers the door peacefully and is then exexuted, that is terrible police recruiting / training / practice. We now know from the Daniel Shaver case that police are eager to open fire, and treat civilian lives as

“I didn’t get anyone killed because I didn’t discharge a weapon, and because...”


Fuck you.

If you made that call, you are at fault, full stop.

It’s a fucking video game. Get your shit together and be a decent human being, or see yourself into the care of those who will prevent you from harming others over your tiny

The SWAT officer who pulled the trigger is to blame. The person who called the fake incident into the police is to blame. The person who passed along the victim’s address is to blame.

When I played FF8 back in 1998, I really liked it. It was the first FF I played by myself first, rather than through a friend. The draw system went a bit over my head, and so I ended up in a bottleneck boss by the end of disc 3 and never finished. Nonetheless, the music, story, and combat had me captivated.

I get that 7 is a lot of people’s first jrpg and there’s a lot of nostalgia around that.

Just going to add my support for 8.

a distinct power gap in who gets called fearless versus who actually gets to be fearless

My sister and her girlfriend can, as of about an hour ago, be more accurately referred to as my sister and her fiancée! Barf on that, Trump and Haters!

It sometimes included thanksgiving as well.

The whole “Merry Christmas” debacle is a perfect illustration of how sociopolitical discourse has degenerated in the United States.

*Slides over on park bench*

People are going to start making a lot of excuses for this, and that’s fine. I think it’s fair to point out that some of this discussion is premature since we barely know anything about her and how the game will deal with her being trans, if she is.

I mean, people may not like it - but he does go out in a blaze of glory as a super powered Jedi - doesn’t he? He takes on the most powerful other force user alive in the galaxy that we’ve seen (Kylo is still shown as more powerful than Rey, just look at the throne room battle) by projecting his presence all the way

And I don’t get the need to have Luke be some super-powerful Jedi that goes out in a blaze of glory. Where is it implied that he’s even half as powerful as even his father? Outside of the old, discarded EU, he’s just a guy who’s strong with the force. The only people he ever took down in a fight were normal people.

Its just like real life..the nation comes together and elects a person of color to office and gets health care and then we go back to square one and put a stupid crazy racist in office and try to get rid of all benefits for the working class.

I like the focus on failure and disappointment and putting Luke’s life in the context of those who went before him - Yes he failed in his hopes of making the universe better by building a new and lasting Jedi order, but the good parts of the Jedi hopefully will go on carried by Rey.

That’s close, but THIS is what a demigod looks like

“Not wear make-up that would be deemed ‘harrasing to male colleagues’”

So! Biological sex isn’t fixed, and it isn’t binary, and it’s not the basis on which prisons (and bathrooms and lockers and every other damn thing under the sun) are segregated.