
I would love to hear stories about it.

Who has actually traveled here? I’d like to hear stories.

He’s Canadian. Not possible.

Especially if he dances for me once in a while.

How does the alcoholism and anorexia mix poorly? Is it malnoutrition? Does it impact the heart?

Please tell me how to live w/o a tv. Not being snarky.

“ I’ve been sexually harassed and insulted.”

She seems super sweet. I’m sad for her. Her movies were cute and I feel like she had a good platform for addiction and women in middle age. I wish she was in a better place.

When I saw this man follow this woman into the bathroom and speak to her like this. I just...wanted to burn down Gotham.

In a month, this will all be forgotten and we will continue being raped in peace. >:(

Yes, he was threatening. He followed her into the bathroom, told her it was her fault he couldn’t figure out she belonged there and it was pretty clear who the fucking authority there was (he was magically the authority b/c why, b/c he was a man?) if he decided she wasn’t female enough to piss in that pot.

I have been trying to learn about gender neutral identity for some time now. It is very interesting to me, mainly because I have not had the chance to speak to anyone in person about it. If it’s not rude of me to ask, can you tell me a little about how you identify?

If that asshat is so concerned about molested children he/she should have a serious discussion about it with the kids in the family since victimizers are often family or friends. /eyeroll

Listen to the way that ignoramus talked to her. Like it was her fault that she didn’t look female enough to him. So dismissive, so disgusting. I cannot get over it. I cannot believe that she had to deal with it. I am so sick to my stomach and so horrified. All I can think about about is the idea that someone is going


Neither you nor the original poster have any idea what you are talking about.

holy shit. that is so humiliating for a child to endure.

I am very sorry for your experience.

I kept reading appendix as “penis” several times and was wrapped up in sorrow for you.

Because you’re only a badass if you fight off your attacker?