
Awwww. It’s healthy to process grief.

Can someone summarize?

Darfur. This lady thinks US bathrooms are now like Darfur.

Is it crude to ask how you handle it?

Good people are sometimes so hard to find. How fantastic he has two right there beside him. <3

What happened to WO? Did they fold as a company?

So tell the rest of them to shut the fuck up.

Where on earth did you get that chair??


Ladies (and gents) post your wedding dresses or fav dresses? Yes?

Very non offensive implants.

Look at that sexy mofo.

Why is everyone starting to look like Kim K, tho?

I don’t get how it can be undiagnosed? I’m not blaming your friend at all here. I’m wondering about the doctors. Don’t they fucking do check ups? Blood tests? Every time they see her? She was 38. They had enough time to evaluate her and take care of her in her life so she didn’t have to die so young. What the fuck

Could you please tell me some more about sleep apnea?

That shit is hideous.

But why?

lol at using trashy to talk about a women

ugh fuck philip roth.
