KittensAndUnicorns-This time it's personal

I thought they were both ok but not both so incredible that both of them should have stayed. When both people stay it means there’s gonna be a double elimination soon so giddyup!

The fashion and entertaining spectacle that is the All Star Game is what will bring viewers back to baseball. A handful of players wore really fun outfits either outside of the venue or at the ASG and fashion will bring in the youth, which will make baseball even more popular. Just my 2 cents. Randomly I also wish the

Yes and no. Personally I think if you don’t adhere to the theme, Anna Wintour should be at the front like a bouncer to reject your not-trying, non-theme ass from entering the Met.

Best case scenario? Murder-suicide in Effingham County. We can only pray.

WHY DOES GWNETH PALTROW KEEP GETTING INVITED?!! She never adheres to the theme and her outfits are so utterly basic that the Gap called to ask her to stop copying their 2004 lookbook.

Subtweeting destroys relationships.


Shania totally gave Kameron the side eye when he said she was one of the reasons he became a drag queen. Shania was one of the worst guests on the show, even Gigi Hadid was better because at least she wasn’t there to promote her latest cd.

In Los Angeles, my favorite billboard for Seeking Arrangements or Sugar Babies ‘R’ Us has the tagline “Never pay for anything again.” It’s pretty damn enticing and at the same time I can laugh at how absurdly upfront it is.

Last night’s episode took away some of the heartache from the AS3 finale (YES, #ShangelaWasRobbed). Their sashays down the runway with all the queens cheering them on was peak RPDR!!

Whether genuine or not, the Oscars did try to change it up this year. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the Oscars so diverse as this year.