
Don’t be afraid to apply for something even if you don’t feel like you have the right qualifications! A lot of times job postings can be what they want an “ideal” candidate to have, but they will be flexible in reality. But getting your foot in the door can be super hard, especially just after graduating.  So lots of

It did happen and I got my phone back. It hurts like crazy but I survived (and I can even still sort of hear!)

Thank you!

Thank you! I am really lucky to have good friends and family around. I can’t imagine how much harder it would be without them. 

Thank you and I hope your friend continues to have a good recovery!

I wish it was Saturday Night Social because I sort of just need to shout this out into the void (no longer having social media accounts).

I’ve seen about 6 episodes and I don’t really understand what the problem is other than people don’t like to see things they don’t agree with. I’m a pretty die-hard liberal, but nothing on the show has really outraged me. It mostly reminds me of the older seasons of the show, and I actually sort of like it. It

Brushes! Brushes! Brushes! I used to use one type of brush for eyeshadow and I always had the same problem. Then I went and bought an brush set from Sephora (I think it was called smoke machine?), and damn if there isn’t a difference between the brush you use as a base, to pack on color, to blend, etc.!! I still

But who would they ogle and hit on if there are no women around?!

Well of COURSE you are across the country from me (DC here)!

Hey, we can totally be friends! Let’s go to bars and not get hit on by men together! But we will be drunk, and we won’t care.

I have! Sometimes I get really brave and assertive. And then I fail and I feel embarrassed so I retreat back into my cozy shell.

You’re very right about that. I am really frustrated by the expectation that I’m supposed to run around with a smile plastered on for no reason to make people feel more comfortable. But at the same time I feel like if you DON’T do that, there’s no way you’ll randomly meet a man out in public. Which, honestly is fine

Same. I really don’t think I’m hideous looking or a terrible person and yet I have had NO luck on the apps or even being out alone at bars. It does make me wonder if I’m defective though since everyone else says it’s so easy.

Your first essay resonated with me so much I bookmarked it and on occasion reread it, or send it to friends to try to help them understand what it feels like to be single for so long (most don’t pay attention and proceed to offer advice on what I should do to find someone).

In a former job, I regularly received 200-300 emails a day from clients who required an immediate answer, and I was chastised several times for sounding too “harsh” in my emails and told I didn’t sound friendly enough . I was given suggestions to add in more pleasantries, like asking about someone’s weekend, etc. I

The weirdly small waist is what made me take a second look!

Check out how her waist was made thinner....the oven door in the background curves significantly instead of going straight to the floor.

I am generally not one to notice photoshop, but good lord that first picture.

I disagree! I saw this movie in Toronto (yay for film festivals for the commoners!) and afterwards I commented that she sounded exactly like a former roommate who was sort of trashy and from rural Oregon. I didn’t even know that was an accent until I saw this movie!