UI is much too small for my tastes
UI is much too small for my tastes
what about churned milk?
do we still use the word elitist for pc users? my biggest gruff was with the gameplay and not the graphics. heck, i still think they should reuse the infinity engine.
any amount of amazing graphics can be achieved given an amount of processing power. I just want it to become more efficient rather than all out burn my gpu out.
all this from a slip? what a fall.
no no no N oOOO!!!
Ultima online is still the best mmo i have played. Me and my dread lord crafter. I just made bombs that cleared out banks.
i want a monty python: holy grail game.
someone from bioware please comission him. it even has ME2's freaky bokeh effects.
theres an app for this.
lawyers still win
man, i foresee alot of mesh clipping with certain parts of the body. unless physx.
and after i finish the game, i'll watch Dragon Heart again.
and she is now fully qualified to work on the deck of a aircraft carrier.
that thing below her mouth whatever its called
what are you on about, me2 was me1 except better.
the life? no i'm not. Its just this whining.
you can see how much time they spent on isabella. her face is probably more detailed than averline's (sp?) entire model. also, dark skin, alot of bling + chin peircing, huge water melons and a short short short skirt. yeah...
call of duty is that way.