
oh we been scammed again!

Time travel again ok. However, WW vs deathstroke? nerd rage!

@amazingmao: ok i see it now, its a revolving stock that spins anti-clockwise. 2 issues, the bridge is abit thin so strength is an issue, secondly, that stock is way way too long.

@swangtal001: asumming that the things a rifle since we dont have size references, the section between the trigger grip and the forward grip is kind of useless, should take that out. Also, the extended magazine means that it wont have a stock so its gonna be tricky to aim with your standard cheek on the stock method.

as a ex-military, most of them look kind of impractical. The designer has to keep in mind that most of us will be sleeping, walking and crawling with this gun on our hands so sharp jagged edges may not be the wisest choice although I think the blade-like barrel of number 8 looks hot.

great giant balls of fire!

is the female option just a lipstick decal.

waterskiing, more like he-man larping.

darth vader wears slacks on his off days.

I've lived with mainlanders and the picture is pretty impressive I must say. Look, the floor is empty and the table is clean and still white. You'd think it'd be splatted with shit by now.

@Go Vols!: you need to find another regime on the verge of collapse and take over the state industries.

ok you got me.

*front facing lcd image may not be representative of your own photos.

@Evdor: off the glint of your eyes.

'a guy who can actually play it, as this video shows.'

pfft, no laminate glossy paper? fortune 500 indeed.

arent the arab states still the highest per capita?

yeah you'd like a green 'stache dont ya.

'then selling it would get him the cash needed to score some brownie points with the ladies. '
