
looks like a fist crushing a beating heart.

looks like your stuck with the u.s. as the setting for this game.

2010: insert game here + JETPACKS.

Looks nice. The EA badges are still awesome but epic beard dude at the end kind-of out of place.

the point man looks terrible.

The super tanker is kind of interesting. Also, the sea is bluer than I thought. a +.

This game probably has the best fog ever.

welcome to otaku fandom. You !are! judged by how you look.

sudden urge for paper mache!

wish i could raise my leg that high.

why does #10 have a book on her head.

@laser beams: oh yes, xcom1 HD with multiplayer would sell more than this thing.

whats with the retro stylings? Wasn't xcom1 in 1999? So is this a reboot or a pre/successor? And you don't really need a story line in xcom. There are aliens invading earth, you steal their tech and murder them. Finish.

armpit fetish yeah.

i read that as

10 years wow. Really?

You cannot resist the powah of the dark side!