
@Danza: civ 5 uses a different angle. You get to move left, right and diagonally but not up and down.

Now playing

@move: Live vid stuff. This guy has them all on this youtube page. Also, music is awesome.

hold on a minute. Hexagons? does that mean we cant move up or down anymore?

Does it have great fmv's like Civ2?

28. So is it still a trap? Not a trap? or a trap TRAP!

thats disgusting.

the goggles! they do nothing!

the sharpness in the pictures are astounding. The detail!

what happened to her ninjas.

@deanbmmv: yeah mesa was awesome. You could find a way up to the very top of the mountains on the maps edge and literally fk up anyone across the entire map with a guass rifle.

i really had alot of fun on the crysis multiplayer, hope they support it longer this time round and I hope those suits have had upgrades!

I don't know why but I imagined the book's voice as bender from futurama.

which actor do you think can play her? she'd need a keanu reeves level of emotional prowess.

I have a feeling that the 2 dudes are probably going to win but Activision's concern is just to lock them up with this battle and legal fees to keep them out of the market for as long as possible.

is this the first time valhalla has been used as a studio name? i cant believe that its been left alone till now.

just wait it out and hunker down, the artillery is gonna let up soon son!

how is it compared to that speedracer technicolour nightmare?