
Yet-another "revolutionary" device with an identity problem.

Hop in bed with extra blankets and overdress so you'll sweat (make sure you've had plenty of water intake beforehand tho), it brings out the bad stuff.

Having flown to Iceland and back a few times, Keflavik-JFK shouldn't take more than 5 hours tops, where did the 10 hours come from?

Neither are obviously viable for a professional environment, unless it's a home office (and even then).

This looks annoying at best, can't we just get decent vocal command recognition?

Why does the tone of the article (the first half at least) have to be so condescending?

But speculation is totally awesome when it works in your favour, right? Alas that's the whole issue with this BS system.

It's basically an Android tablet without the screen and the battery (which are the two biggest components) - I actually find it kinda big!

Uh, WTF America?

Having been told about a million times how I am the type of person who only sporadically returns personal calls/messages, I want to say to all those trying to find the One Trick to get to me when I don't want to be reached: fuck off.

I still don't understand what need a thin desktop computer serves, it makes for a prettier object in a room but that's about it.

Well put, this is exactly it.

It's morning television, those people aren't even journalists or anchors, they're just airheads who got rejected from modeling school.

That there is such a thing as a Kardashian Scale is scary enough to make our civilization collapse, but now you're telling me there are several levels to this disaster in waiting?

It's silly that you can't keep getting the latest version of your apps, some of which you probably paid for?

Last I checked, my friend's original iPad crashes left, right and center on iOS 5.1.1 - perhaps he needs to jailbreak it instead, tho. Sure this is totally anecdotal, the original iPad should still work fine, but it's no longer supported and is slowly getting phased out by app developers too.

I have a good job, I even have spare cash; doesn't mean I throw it out the window just to keep Apple happy, tho.

I'd wager Apple is getting short on ideas to improve the iPad; the Mini model will obviously get a retina display next year, the bigger one will get a new enclosure. Sadly, that may not be good enough to get people to upgrade.

I'd settle for an integrated telescopic tripod.

Flipboard was very cool back in 2010, but it hasn't evolved much since then; Currents and even Zite provide better functionalities now IMO.