
No insane lines, the two people at work who went to get one on Friday got them within an hour without any issue, but the online store still says 2-3 weeks of wait time - what's that about?

Stalin discovered that if you kill 1000+ instead, it's just statistics.

Seriously, this.

Funny, we have two or three new iPads in the office here too this afternoon and while everybody agrees the new display is impressively smooth, nobody is giddy about the new device. There's definitely no "omg new Apple product!!!111one" craziness going around.

Most major apps were just released to fix a compatibility issue with iOS 5.1 on the new iPad, the resolution didn't actually change - it's really no worry tho, the new iPad is going to be in scarce availability for the next couple of weeks/months.

So, any actual users lining up for this or just resellers?

It stopped being relevant the moment it became a "you have to be there with all the big shots" way for big companies with money to burn.

Many games on the app store are larger than 20 MB (up to 700-800 easily, if not more), so I assume the limit is 20 GB for the size of an app - no idea about an actual download quota, tho.

Oddly enough, I was expecting to see a pair of Birkenstocks.

Netflix is becoming the new AOL, sadly.

Really? Oddly enough, good sir, I'm a Windows 7 user.

The screwdriver is uncool? FML, it's the only way I drink vodka.

How exactly is it dramatically different? Honest question here, the dashboard of sorts is a new thing for Windows, but past that..?

It's never been labelled as a notification centre proper, but the right side of the task bar has been used as a NC by some applications for quite some time.

This is madness.

10.8 is yawn-inducing at best, I haven't even sidegraded to 10.7 yet anyway because it doesn't add anything I actually need (it only add a bunch of annoyances, from my perspective). I'm seriously wondering whether Apple actually has run out of ideas when it comes to improving OSX, force-iOSificating it doesn't exactly

No matter how much I enjoy using a Mac in my professional endeavours, I'll say this much: gaming doesn't need Macs, but Apple very much needs it.

Not impressed, personally. 10.7 was bad enough with its iOS-ification of everything (tho mostly optional) - why would I want more of that? Please Apple, stop treating my pro desktop like a lifestyle handheld device, it doesn't help me to get actual work done more efficiently.

I was looking forward to the 7770 until benchmarks showed it's barely a side-grade for my 2.5 year old 5770; good on the 5770 for being such a good little, long-lasting midrange card, I guess.

Bless you caffeine deficiency/it's-not-even-9am for allowing me to LOL this one like a shameless moron.