All day long.
All day long.
A dutch rudder?
So, so many good candidates have been suggested. If I took a swing at every one I wanted to, my knuckles would be raw meat and my arm would be in a sling. As I have to pick only one, this one most of all. Did we really need a video to explain to us what most Prius owners are like? Didn’t we already know this deep…
Sounds like what I paid for my CLK 550.
I can’t tell one plane from another but I can spot an asshole.
For 100% autopilot why not just take the train? What is the point here, to prove we can get from point A to point B without any involvement from us? Doesn’t public transportation already do this? Input please.
If you had to do 3 engine swaps, is that the definition of reliable?
You mean an ass for every seat.
For $2500 I would buy it, pretend it’s a rental, and beat the shit out of it all day long for fun with that 3 speed. This guy, as stated, bought it at a estate sale and wants to flip it for a few bucks. I’m a big supporter of capitalism but this pig is better off forgotten in automotive history. It’s “rare” only…
Not really. I was recalling the scene from the Blues Brothers movie at the high end restaurant. I have an e46 M3 now but still lusting over someone else’s sweet ride. Wish I could have one of each.
Apparently you are already hitting the crack pipe.
Put any engine in this thing and you are still left with 80s era suspension, electronics and looks. Is it really that great looking that it is worth driving around in the daylight with?
I owned the Buick version (beige over beige with a white vinyl top) of this Yacht in the early 80s. A painfully slow, lumbering beast, slow to warm up ( glow plugs remember)and smelly. It was uninspiring even with those soft beige velour seats. Don’t know what kind of girls I was thinking would find this land yacht…
How much for your little girl?
Don’t care
This thing is ugly all over. The Lexus is just ugly in front.
I’m going to have to go with your suggestions. I can’t even come up with a description of what the heck this design is. Darth Vader on wheels?
That’s the problem, it didn’t escape. A good hammer and little Bondo and it will be back on Craigslist in a week with and extra $1000 added to the price.