Structurally incapable? How about these shitty organizations are the “problem”, not the player. But no, that can’t be it, these black guys are making millions playing a game, it must be their fault. Obviously...
Structurally incapable? How about these shitty organizations are the “problem”, not the player. But no, that can’t be it, these black guys are making millions playing a game, it must be their fault. Obviously...
Raiders cut the guaranteed money before they cut Brown, right? So they’re not on the hook for anything?
One day they’ll tell tales of the smoke from Yinzers burning AB jerseys being visible from space.
It’s a pretty appropriate slur for the circumstances
“I think people like Edward Snowden, Chelsea Manning are heroes,” she said. What a breath of fresh air!!
Also not true. Mariel Hemingway talked about how he kept inviting her to Paris. She kept asking if she would get her own bedroom and he kept avoiding the question. She finally said no when she realized she was not getting a bedroom of her own.
Brown called Mayock a “cracker” and unleashed a barrage of “cuss words” during the altercation
Antonio Brown just issued “an emotional apology” at a team meeting this morning, just now, “with team captains standing with him.”
They need to just steer into the skid and sign Terrell Owens.
Mayock seems like he’d snap under pressure, so the term cracker fits.
yeah, everyone knows there are no racists in Pennsylvania
Brown called Mayock a “cracker”
First of all, your misunderstanding of what atheism is is breathtaking.
So, a well-known pedophile brags that he’s never been accused of sexually assaulting a grown woman. I don’t see that as something to brag about.
This comment brought a tear to my eye.
I mean... another man’s spit on your knob probably made a little bit of difference, didn’t it?
As a tire specialist for over twenty years, I can’t agree with the article more. For so many reasons.
I grew up in Colorado. When FOTF showed up they put a community that once respected or at least ignored each others differences into the center of the culture wars and it got tremendously ugly. Neighbors learned to hate neighbors, friendships died, bullshit and cruelty became the norm.
3.34 vs 3.42 seconds? Damn. I’ll never be late for tree planting with my startup friends ever again.
dont try to derail me - i know that’s a song by chumbawamba.