Still better to be a jet than to play with/for rapelesberger
Still better to be a jet than to play with/for rapelesberger
There’s white. Then there’s racist white. Then there’s stupid racist white. This is FUCKING STUPID RACIST white
But he has a nice smile
Since this was not a hoax, your little point is moot at best but probably just moronic. I like to troll idiots like you on breitbart, but I make salient arguments to attempt to show them how stupid they are. All you are showing us is how stupid YOU are
Sigh...They are not “ only “ white supremacists, they have a day job. When your mom read you this article did she not explain the fellow arrested is white ?
As a union guy and no racist, I certainly get where athletes want to have control of their careers, BUT what of competition ? Since the fans are paying for the salaries of all these people, some semblance of balance of talent must be maintained or a few teams will have all the best players and the rest will get fucked
You’re a dick and Bret is correct about Israel and Palestine
So the fact that mitch is a corrupt, treasonous piece of shit is the Democrats’ fault....... Such keen fucking moron
volkswagen can fuck right off. How can you believe anything from these assholes after what they did ?
Feckless Cunt indeed
Fuck that noise. Use Mueller as a reference - gather your evidence in a professional manner, don’t feed the media machine and file your charges. An agent of the government that is prosecuting a person has all the power and the responsibility to act properly. What this loudmouth is doing is bullshit
Completely agree BUT - you fuckers keep watching
Who the fuck cares about your “international reputation”? And the a large percentage of the rest of the world doesn’t see much difference between the trump admin. and former admins.
So this starts with an adult attempting to force an 11 year old child to do something that is counter to school policy and ends with the ELEVEN YEAR OLD child being arrested. And this adult told this 11 year old child to move away if they didn’t like the situation. America you are so fucked
As a Canadian, I need to tell you most of us think cherry has been past his due date for at least 20 years.
It would have if ben were black
Please accept a bag of dicks. Sincerely, Everyone
president dipshit mcfuckpants
I hate the Steelers soooooo much. I’m loving this !
Oh cuz you are an incel