A fucking teacher who has taught for over 10 fucking years in a racially fucking diverse school who doesn’t know what fucking blackface is ??? Are you fucking kidding me ????
A fucking teacher who has taught for over 10 fucking years in a racially fucking diverse school who doesn’t know what fucking blackface is ??? Are you fucking kidding me ????
fuck amerikkka
fuck you america. the myth is laid bare
america bastion of democracy. hahahahaha
gated community. Would have had a photo of their vehicle’s licence plate or had to show ID to enter this rich assholes’ paradise. why the fucking pigs would take the time to go to her house is indeed the question
Do these fucking waitresses in the sky have a whole lot of fake doctors responding to in-flight medical emergencies ? Why would these bimbos question anyone who was willing to help a stranger ? What the fuck
jack ass
Raptors are the best team in the East
I’m a Bills fan......
fox news doesn’t know what actual journalism is so from their perspective saudi fucking arabia must seem safe for sycophants like them
they are racist incels. and morons, thus the name
proud boys bare just racist incels
What the fuck is up with that stubble-beard. Is he rugged now ?
Looks like they won’t let this piece of shit have his hair dye either
It’s good to see that Iranians are just as stupid as Americans
Perhaps USA gymnastics will consider properly vetting a perspective employee this time......
Just asking but didn’t this piece of shit kill white people at a country music show ? Doesn’t seem to make sense
proud boys are a bunch of limp dicked incels who live in their mom’s basements
hillary was a terrible candidate and would have lost in a landslide against anyone but trump