
"$250 billion - the amount of money carriers will take in from selling wireless data service alone - not counting test messages! - by 2014, according to iSuppli (Hint: this is why carriers will help sell these phones, with subsidies, revenue sharing or any other back-room deal that gets worked out)"

Is it the year of the tablets or what?

@Faxmonkey: Well actually, Cydia had a 3 on it indicating he had updates to more than one apps... possibly meaning he has other things from Cydia, and not just jailbroken because of his TV-Out app.

Maybe now those Chinese knock-off iPhone's (most recent one called the "AirPhone 4") will get sued for copying that trademark slide to unlock!

Pull the plug on it Microsoft.. it has no reason left to live.

90% of these crazy patents never even get created.

@Lemonade: I was thinking that the other day too, didn't expect them to do iPhone OS to iOS, so who knows about iPod touch to iTouch. =P

@ddhboy: Jailbreak, and iPhone owns.

Does every other post have to be Apple or iPad related?

Wow, i just looked at the time as i read this headline.. i missed it. :(

Isn't that what you and everybody else says every time a new Verizon iPhone rumor reaches the surface?

I must say... they look very similar. =P

Oh god. Everybody buy your iPhone 4's quick before they put the fix on them!


Then that means I can store old receipts, expired coupons, and grocery store cards in my smartphone now?

They've had that feature..... get with the times Gizmodo. =P

I was just thinking about this the other day, it would be really cool to integrate Remote in the music controls on the multitasking dock. So I can play Doodle Jump while listening to Metallica on my nice big speakers hooked up to my PC. =P

Yeah! There wasn't something just like Google Buzz when it came out....