
You're not wrong. Ugh.

If they can't even be trusted not to assault their fellow soldiers, then they really shouldn't be allowed anywhere near citizens of occupied countries.

If you want to be really furious watch the documentary "The Invisible War". One in three women are sexually assaulted in the military and they're more likely to be punished for reporting it than their attackers. Its absolutely ridiculous.

Straight, white guys don't react well to criticism about being straight, white guys. They've never been subjected to it until just the last decade or so.

He didn't know she was coming, apparently, so I wonder if it was one of those things where he was vaguely nice to her when they met and friended her on FB to be polite, and then she went boy crazy. Speaking as a former 11-year-old girl.

The one cool thing about darker colors is that the fireballs are brighter and seem more "powerful." Though I don't think they're going for a GRIMDARK Street Fighter story; Ryu's always kinda had a stick up his ass when it comes to things, so if you expected him to crack a joke or something, that's not his style.

Wow! This looks almost as good as Mortal Kombat!

No, 5th and 6th grade girls can already be pretty thirsty. That's the boy band age. Girls start puberty a little younger than boys and 6th grade boys are mostly beginning to look at girls. In my school district, 5th and 6th grade were both in the middle school. In others, 6th grade is in middle school. It's not normal

When I was 15/16, I used to give violin lessons to 5th graders. One of them (11) had much bigger breasts than me, and was actively plotting on ways to get her parents to have sex without protection so she could have a younger sibling. Eleven is the new OMG- keep-an-eye-on-that- kid.

Because if she wasn't white, she probably wouldn't have been able to get a cab in the middle of the night.

Maybe he was just being friendly in an older brother kind of way? The boy has no clue she was coming to see him so I'm not seeing any indications of the boy doing anything inappropriate and plenty of signs that this girls is going to be a fucking pain in the ass for the next 10 years.

*commits grand larceny*
*gets called daring/resourceful instead of a thug*

What I'm saying is that we don't know they were "in a relationship" that went beyond friendship, at least in his mind. You're 100% right that if that was true, it would be super-creepy. I'm just trying to reserve judgement because it sounds like she did this without his knowledge. I don't want to say that teenagers

no suggestion he did anything sketchier than make conversation with a little kid, tbf.

Is anyone else thinking she's lucky she is white?

It's downright obnoxious (and somewhat terrifying) to see these dudes go from "I love you, beautiful" to "You stupid fucking fat cunt whore bitch toad"...sometimes over the perceived slight of not being answered fast enough. Like if you don't stepnfetchit to answer their texts within a certain (preconceived) amount

I almost get the feeling that men/people like this see everyone in the world as an actor in THEIR movie and "why are yall off script".

As a guy I find Bye Felipe pretty entertaining to read, if not a bit disturbing. I don't see how guys don't understand that this is not appropriate social behavior, like who raises them to behave like this. If you get turned down or a woman doesn't respond there's no reason to get offended and retaliate in such a

Was it Gavin de Becker who said, men's deepest fear about women is they will laugh at them, women's deepest fear about men is that they'll kill them? Yeah. I'm sorry you were put out by being turned down/dumped/having your egregious behaviour put online. But we're gonna need to deal with this physical violence issue

Right? Assholes complaining about a paper cut when we got an infected bullet wound.