
Mr.Hogan sir, you needed spine surgery more than once. How can you determine it was this particular clinic? Are you in need of money that badly.

I met a comedian when I was going through my treatment. I think if I hadn't had her in the waiting room with me, I would have bawled senselessly cause I was so afraid. (First round of treatment.)

That would be too much. I think I'd faint.

The PA that we citizens of my job get to go to when we're sick, says to stay home if you have a fever +cough.

But they do bring that shit onto themselves, they keep harping about it. Then they call Obama a socialist. He's not trying to decide what we do with our uterus.

This is why I tell most pro-lifers that they are pro-fetus. Their logic doesn't make sense, and they don't give a crap about the baby once it is born.


ME TOO. :( :( :(

damn. that's a smart lady.

I love the pants at Target.

Ew. No.

That's too much pretty in one package. Their children will be demi-gods.

This is true for any child. The rest of your statement is also true.

I live here. I don't like this.

That is a bit much to be thinking about your exes every single day.

Look at a picture of Aqua-man and then realize that's just Aqua-man

so pretty.

i should have not stared at this at work


aww thanks <3