Kirsten Corby

No, it's not OK. But it's war — and a war that the Lannisters ultimately brought, when they helped overthrow Aegon Targaryen, and then overthrew his successor, Robert Baratheon. A war Dany intends to win. Like Olenna said, she's a dragon, she should act like a dragon. The words of her House are Fire and Blood. Would

He was horrified by the wildfire he used at the battle of the Blackwater, but he used it. Tyrion is far from squeamish.

Tyrion will never betray Dany. She's the ONLY person who's ever given him the respect he deserves.

Ha-ha, I noticed that too, all fancy with his book-learnin' now.

I would have been perfectly fine seeing Jamie either burned to a crisp or drowning under the weight of his own armor. I'm kind of surprised it seems like he might live. Cersei's quest for power has robbed her of everyone she ever cared about, except Jamie. Seems like it's his turn.

1. I think Maggy was from Asshai, which is pretty much Wizardry HQ in GoT world.

It's complicated.

I see your point. I'm hoping she snagged a few faces before leaving the House of Black and White, instead of murdering a random serving girl.

I don't think that, some Unsullied unaccountably do.

Yeah, I agree with you. I think Sansa's OK with the King in the North because it scotches Littlefinger's plans. He wanted to marry her and become Warden of the North as the next step on his path to the Iron Throne. He can't do that now.

Well, Bran is disabled. Physical infirmity like that usually disqualifies someone from being king in that kind of world. The lords could never respect him because he he can't ride and fight. Plus, he's likely unable to sire a child with his type of injury, so that leaves House Stark with no heir again.

She has what she always wanted, to be Queen. But she had to lose everyone she ever loved to get it. Be careful what you ask for.

I think she's happy with it because it gives the finger (so to speak) to Littlefinger. Becoming Warden of the North was the next step on his plan to the Iron Throne. But Jon just leapfrogged him and became King of the North. No Warden now.

Even Grey Worm would laugh at this joke.


That makes zero sense.

The point of it was to screw with us and I don't appreciate it.

That theory was always bogus, because there is no purpose to it. What purpose does Meera serve in that theory? Nothing. Jon is being set up as the rightful king of Westeros. Meera, his sister, would have no claim on the throne, no anything. She's not Azor Ahai, either. It's just pointless.

Murdering hundreds of innocent people as collateral damage isn't evil?

She dons a black armored dress for the immolation. It's not subtle.