Kirsten Corby

Yes, he has, his hand was badly burned in the first season when he fought a wight. Targareyns are not all fireproof, as evidenced by Viserys's grisly death. Also one of the Mad Kings killed himself by drinking wildfire. Dany's Unburnt nature is unique to her.

I think Lord Tarly. He would fit that character, who is a gruff man of war. Howland Reed is supposed to be small and slight. The peopel from the Neck are small compared to other Westerosi.

Sam can't. He's still a man of the Night's Watch and has renounced all titles and lands. He has a brother who is his father's heir.

She did, and she has spoken often about how she was fed up with it. The female nudity.

Melisandre stripped and bathed him before attempting her resurrection. And Tormund was there to witness the attempted resurrection, so that's when he saw Jon's body naked.

Or, violence, more generally.

Yes, it wasn't clear at first, and I was really hoping it was Roose who stabbed Ramsay. Not that Roose is any good but at least he isn't a sadistic psycho.

It is not known.

We are in agreement. I also feel like Rebels has more of the fun, hopeful qualities of the original trilogy. I tell people it's the most Star Wars-y thing I've seen since the first half of Return of the Jedi.

Yes, that was heartbreaking. At least he didn't call her Snips. I would have died. Died, I tell you.

Well, we have to remember that REBELS is a kid's show on Disney where CLONE WARS was on the Cartoon Network and not so beholden to a "family-friendly" style. I appreciate how TCW added depth to Anakin's fall, but that show always had a nasty, hard edge that i found unsettling. And it really began to wear on me how

Yes, that's what happened.

I assume a "rotation" is a day — a planet rotating once on its axis. Who really knows, though?

I noticed that too.

I like Chopper.

I don't think Star Wars is in any danger of not continuing.

That was a bad call for sure. In the books, Theon just disappears for two whole books, and when he shows up again he's already a broken man. We got it. We didn't need to see it.

Well, I guess that's a matter of taste.

Can't say I really cared for this episode. It was well enough done, but this story of "enemies have to work together to survive" has been done SO many times, particularly in sci-fi. We saw this *exact same plotline* on an old episode of TNG — Geordi LaForge and some Romulan have to learn to work together to climb

Look, it was called the Death Star. That was its official name. You don't work on something called the Death Star and think everything is hunky-dory.