I Love Janet!

Right?  Is he no longer a great husband or great father?

Why is Girardi talking about him in the past tense like he’s dead? How fucked up is that? He’s right there, you moron.

It was probably a blast during the eras when they had all the cocaine.

Matt, look on the bright side...I’m sure this feels better than being up 28-3 once.

Being one point better than the Dolphins is like having one IQ point on Trump.

Problem is, if they haven’t already used it, a team scoring to take the lead under two minutes will just take it then and run out the clock, thus preventing the other team from answering.

I guess the point is, what is the expectation for Ellen here? Would it have been better for her to scream “you are a war criminal!” at Bush and then spit in his face?

Where do you see wealth politics? I see perfectly legitimate questioning of the environmental impact of services like this in the last fifth of a long and detailed article. Should the extremely valid concerns raised by carbon-powered transport not be covered on a site that’s dedicated to the subject of motor vehicles?

Yeah, the contextless lowest playoff ERA in history” is a record shared by a bunch of dudes with one appearance and no runs allowed.

Vote in 2019, 2020 , 2021 and every year, whether boring or ‘presidential’ or this will be a minor blip in the legacy of Republican party power. Anyone remember Bears Ears and the giving of much of the archeological and paleontological treasure to the oil companies to destroy? It’s just a blip now too, isn’t it?

Is the concept of playing a game “the right way” no longer valid? To be sure, some of the unwritten rules aren’t relevant anymore, but are we as the sports-consuming public fine with an absence of sportsmanship? Isn’t that what much of what we call playing “the right way” actually is, being good sports and treating

“Edmonton is the top attraction in the Pacific”

i guess you don’t live in big truck country because a lot of people have a lot of weapons and could do a lot of damage and the left has like, rude words on the internet and a bunch of unarmed 20 somethings in black hoodies

ugh..come out the rural parts of pretty much any state. Im in Spokane. You might rethink this. Head up into the panhandle of Idaho or pretty much anywhere around here.

You are greatly underestimating the size, scope and resources of the Christian Dominionist movement in America.

After being spurned by Trout, I’m hoping the Phillies take a good long look at signing Betts.


The chances of anything coming from Mars
Are a million to one, he said


The worst part was the 15 yard penalty Brees got for roughing the pass rush.