I Love Janet!

I (like most people I hope) want to pick up and hold and cuddle cute things. You want to eat them. You should see a therapist. And if your’re not on meds, you should start.

I’m confused. Which is these is more friendly?

I thought pirating was supposed to be the death knell for theaters and streaming services. Seems like it’s the streaming services themselves that are killing the theaters and pirating seems to have no effect on the streaming services themselves. Why would new streaming services come to life almost every other day if

Oh yes. I cry myself to sleep every night because I’m never going to get a chance to play Bond or be as rich or famous as Daniel Craig.

That’s true. But there are certain things that are obvious about a job. And if you put blinders on and/or refuse to acknowledge them, that’s on you.

I never saw the Lazenby movie. I’ve heard it’s good. I guess I’ll have to check it out.

He had to know that playing Bond requires a certain amount of physical fitness. If that means he has to work out for hours each day to maintain that body type, so be it. These are all things that are obvious and he should have known them before he signed on the dotted line to do the first one.

Your post reminded me of when I used to work at Saks Fifth Ave. We used to say “Women can look at a fashion magazine and see good looking female models and feel bad about their own bodies. Men look at a fashion magazine and see good looking male models and just say ‘He’s gay’.”

He knew what he was getting into before he signed on for the first movie. If he didn’t want to adhere to the restrictions, why did he take the role?

I don’t know why, but it really grinds my stones when actors complain about the role that made them rich beyond their wildest dreams and more famous than anything else that they could have done. And if he didn’t care about money or fame, then why did he take the part in the first place? He had to know that Bond is not

Right? I always thought that Pollard probably had to take a shave at lunch time to keep his whiskers from showing up in the afternoon shots.

I really want to blame this on Trump.

You say all this as if everybody can afford 65-inch screens and Xbox X. And the programming/software to do anything with these products once you have them. Like it’s just so many nickels and dimes. Good for you that you have so much money. Why don’t you get your head out of your ass and take a look at what’s going on

It’s lists like this that let you know you’re old. Most of the movies on this list I did not see. Not only that, but most of those movies I never even heard of before! But that’s OK. I can live with that. With only a couple of exceptions, this list did not inspire me to seek out and watch any of those movies I missed

He won’t go to jail for anything. Pence will pardon him like Ford did to Nixon. But that’s OK. While I would love to see him rot in jail, the important thing is to get him out of office. Pence has no chance of winning in 2020. We can have peace and prosperity in our land once again when the Dems take over.

These people make me sick. They’re too cool for school. You would never catch them eating an Oreo or a TastyKake or a chocolate chip cookie or an apple pie or a chocolate cake or pancakes or waffles or french toast or peanut butter and jelly or...

Spare me.  What do you wash Oreo cookies down with?  Beer?  Pretty much every dessert or sweet known to man goes better with milk.

I thought his real name was Boba Fett. And if it isn’t, what difference does it make?

It’s mildly entertaining if you pirate it. If you spent money on it, send some of that extra cash you’ve got my way.

I was waiting for someone to write a post like this (I knew somebody would) and I am so glad it was you!