
BMW forgot the kidney is part of the grille, not the grille.

Stay class my friend,

Oh Hai! LOL! OK so I live here in Southern California. You want to know what blows my mind? The way we insist on transforming every area we live in to look like a forest! You look over Orange County, and it looks like there are trees everywhere- patches of grass- why?!? Why do we need this? Why can't we simply

So... you're telling me you SHOULDN'T build a series of towns and cities filled with people known for their lavish and unchecked use of natural resources in the middle of a desert? Who have thought, right?

You know, I'm an avid Uber rider who loves the service in every way, who has never, in all my thousands of dollars spent with them had any issues of any kind.

Steve is laughing in his grave... 1342343254235734753 people staring at an annoying message in the most languages.... Shoot me. I'm Tired!

5.5 is around "average" at least nowadays, in North America. Once you are used to carrying around a 10 incher, 5.5 seems downright puny.

Begin complaining about how this is just a modified Lotus and not a production car in 3, 2, 1... GO!

counterpoint: Sodium Lights are horrible. They give everything a sick, jaundiced look.

Who pissed in their Cheerios? The multiracial family from the earlier commercial.

Who else saw this commercial live and waited for this article to pop up?

Okay Audi, now it's time to bring the A5 Sportback to the US.

Anyone else not even read the text before voting?

6/10, would hoon.

Holy crap that's nice. I should hate it, by all accounts, but I don't. (I would ordinarily hate this car a million ways from Sunday for being white, having a tan interior, and being a BMW). I think this is the best-styled Bimmer I've seen in years; modern BMWs are uglier than homemade sin, possibly excluding the

Breakfast tacos are one of the most perfect foods ever created—an über-convenient way to deliver breakfast foods like eggs, sausage and bacon into your mouth in an easy to handle, convenient and quick to devour package.

This is an awful list. Some are good, some are bad.

Neutral: Should We Blame Toyota? By creating boring cars did Toyota create its own problems? Are they just victims because their boring cars appealed to old people? Where's the line?

Adultism (prejudice and discrimination against young people) is one of the few acceptable forms of oppression and discrimination left in our society and I'm seeing it rampant here. Knocking/mocking this person's experience ("it's only been two years, pah!"), 'oldsplaining' (like mansplaining, but when an older person

That's mostly because the people who took the video just sort of drove off and laughed, instead of, you know, following the actual rules.