
Well, that's your opinion, but it's not market reality. Restored '70s-era Broncos and LandCruisers (particularly FJ40s) bring in *loads* of bank. Basically, they look cool and have the build quality of a tank, so there's nearly as much consistent demand for them as there is for '60s muscle cars.

Not crazy about either one, but there's no way I can possibly vote for anything manufactured by the shitfest that was AMC.

It was introduced in concept form in '05, but didn't make it to production and on to the American market until early '07.

Is Audi really starting to rest on its laurels? That's what this analyst who spoke to Reuters is saying:

"The Q7 is almost as old as the XC90"

Okay, that closeup didn't work...

Why, hello there, weirdly shaped corner window brazenly appropriated from the Infiniti M37!

So: they've moved from aping Benz to aping Ian Callum.

The 535d starts at $56,600, which isn't cheap. And now, BMW seems to have taken a page from the Porsche handbook, where a base model car will not satisfy you. This modestly equipped 535d was $66,425. If I equipped this with a few more options like how I'd want it, this would be a $77,000 car.

Even though I liked the E60 5er design, I was in a very, very small minority. Probably a minority of one. The haters, yes, haters, said that it had Dame Edna's glasses, looked surprised, and was far too overstyled. I can understand that, I just don't agree.

You were most definitely in a minority. That said, the problem with the 5-series is that the E60 drove well and looked terrible, but the current one looks amazing (the best-looking BMW short of the 6-series Gran Coupe IMO) and drives, according to most reviewers, like shit, with numb steering and a ridiculous

You were most definitely in a minority. That said, the problem with the 5-series is that the E60 drove well and looked terrible, but the current one looks amazing (the best-looking BMW short of the 6-series Gran Coupe IMO) and drives, according to most reviewers, like shit, with numb steering and a ridiculous

Oh, also: absolutely call the airline — and yes, I do mean telephone them, not going to their Web site — to see if they have a row of seats with built-in bassinet carriers. They're common on jumbo jets, particularly on international flights, but not unheard of for domestic ones. The good news is that those seats are

I'm assuming you've never previously flown with a baby (your baby, that is). I'd strongly suggest taking a Xanax beforehand, because the angry glares you'll be receiving when your kid won't stop crying — btw did you know that was even a thing with babies, because they have no way of clearing their ears? — will

This Thursday is Thanksgiving. That means it's also the biggest travel weekend of the year, with 43.4 million people estimated to be leaving home for Grandma Myrtle's famous goose gizzards. How do you avoid the insanity?

Houston is starting to become ground zero for bizarre behavior, second only to perennial winner Florida. I say this as a part-time resident, mind you. The even-weirder part, if one can say that about such an incident, is that it was fucking FREEZING here yesterday (by Houston standards).

My interest in the 928 — and yes, I do think it's still an amazing-looking car, even 35 years after its debut — died very quickly after learning that an engine rebuild is a) necessary about every 75,000 miles and b) costs ten grand. And that was ten years ago, so the price has undoubtedly gone up.

Toupee removal? Please. Any dude who can afford a 911 Turbo can afford hair transplants.

I don't disagree that the ATS is Caddy's best effort to date to take on the 3-series, and I'd even go so far as to say it's superior to the current 3-series (though not the E90). That said, I remain highly skeptical that it will draw young professional buyers in sizable numbers, regardless of your personal