
sadly this is true. the switch is awesome in principal, and obviously the nintendo licenses will be more or less worth buying, but aside from Zelda, i’m not seeing anything on the horizon worth getting for the switch between now and when Mario Odyssey comes out, and after that, zilch. Where’s Pikmin 4, Metroid,

Exactly. The MPAA is a cloak and dagger, secretive group of pearl clutching biddies, but Weinstein knows how many fucks to give...or not give, in order to get this through with a PG-13.

There is no way in hell Weinstein doesn’t know that saying fuck multiple times gets you an R-rating by default. It feels like a crass publicity stunt to get outrage going over the ‘wrongful’ R-rating, possibly to distract attention away from casting a cis actress.

Doesn’t answer the only real question: How much is included in the launch version?

Not bitting again. They already murdered everything about what made battlefront fun to play. They better revive that or bring something better, because the first one was so simplistic and flat that it made me stop playing after about 5 hours.

Call me when they confirm that there’s more than 4 maps at launch without a fucking $50 dollar DLC.

the first game’s trailers featured what looked like space battles too and we were all disappointed there. i wont hold my breath. its possible though that they realized the lack of a concrete story unique to the game made it harder to enjoy for many diehard star wars fans. hopefully this one fixes what the first fucked

I’d happily play a Star Wars Uncharted, though I am admittedly hoping that Amy Hennig’s game does something more than just that. I’d love, say, a Horizon-style, heavily story driven open-world semi-RPG.

Except the campaign of the original Battlefront 2 (man is that weird to say) following the troopers of the 501st was pretty freaking fantastic, so never write such things off too quickly.

It might be good or mediocre, but it’s what some people wanted.

Yeah, it’ll probably be shitty generic single player garbage. Who knows though.

Have you taken the Nomad onto one of the big ice lakes on Voeld, gotten it going fast, and then turn on agility mode (aka turn off traction control)? So much fun! I wasted so much time doing this!

Mako would just flipped over it’s roof and twitched there for awhile if you tried to do that. All it did was able to make my blood pressure climb.

I agree with you! Mako is a piece of crap... I almost did the same thing as you did. Until I tried Nomad and fell in love with it. Best video game vehicle in history of gaming.

I have 60+ hours in the game and this has been the only real bug i’ve had. I just upgraded to the noodle arm suspension mod and thought that maybe it had something to do with it, i had spent the last 4 hours doing over 160 all over Eos and never had it happen. Really like the game though, it’s been fun.

You should enjoy yourself, just with a few caveats.

You just described the next indie hit. 10/10 I’d totally play that.

There’s also the important part about satire (particular good satire like It’s Always Sunny): the characters must have enough unlikable traits to where what they say and do is believable, but enough likable traits to where you can still find them entertaining.

A show where everyone is a virulent, unlikable, homophobic

Now playing

Always Sunny walks right up to the edge of good taste but doesn’t cross the line or promote the terrible things the cast does as a good idea.

“It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia” it’s a pretty smart comedy if you think about it, and the difference I would say, is that we can recognize those character as characters, an we are able to discern between the actor and their characters, something that it seemed not possible in the case of PewDiePie. I´ll be honest,