Kirk Chop

I always took “I was a child” to be metaphorical; young adult or so. But considering who wrote this article, I think we’re lucky Indiana Jones isn’t being called a rapist in every sentence.

Being a justice oriented person - and understanding that we all have privilege and blind spots we carry around with us, I have to admit I’m getting a bit fed up with some of the AV Club’s editorial decisions.

I never took “I was a child” to mean that she was literally a child, but just that Marion was a college-age teenager (say, 18 or 19), and he was 8 or 10 years older.  So she still felt like a kid in comparison to him, the older man.

Here is what I read:

I wonder why this writer believes that the company would have any interest whatsoever in ‘challenging’ itself.

Do you like gathering resources and grinding?

I bought NMS on launch. They’ve changed how the game looks in every way since then, but this loop has gone practically untouched. It’s so boring.

It goes to show how poorly made the game is and how it should have primer goals and more incentive. Wandering around and hoping to discover things that rarely get discovered is boring. I got things to do, bitch. Tell me what to do.

I have tried so much to get into No Man’s Sky, mostly because this dev has made such an effort to make good on their promises. I just feel like it takes an enormous amount of time to do anything and I don’t feel like there is a gameplay hook for me.

While your reply is generally true, the first comment is legitimately my experience whenever I try to play the game. I don’t think it’s necessarily the game’s problem: I’m also not a fan of Stardew Valley or Animal Crossing or Minecraft, because I can’t get into single-player games that lack concrete endings.

Puts on No Man’s Sky. Wanders in space. Lands on planet. Walks around shooting things. Gets bored. Leaves planet. Goes to one of those space stations that all look the same. Gets bored and turn off the game. Can’t wait!

This show has felt very unArrowverse like and I think that’s for the better. Because if they tried to pull a story like Lois’s on one of the other shows it would have probably been really hokey and melodramatic feeling instead of genuinely affecting like it was here.

This is the real reason!

Every multiplayer game should at least offer bots as an option. Some people like to get the hang of the game without worrying about dragging down (or getting harassed by) other players. Some people just want to steamroll AIs and blow off steam. Some people might want to mess around with the game 20 years from now,

This is clearly a conspiracy; bots buy all the PS5s, so other bots get jobs playing the PS5 games. The singularity is upon us.

Honestly I remember seeing this game on an E3 I think they announced it and its just one of those games where you say its gonna come out and people will forget it exists, this is not saying that the game is bad just that its one more

I kid you not, I wear earplugs in movie theaters. I have a visceral reaction to crunching (it makes me want to pull my own skin off), so going to movie theaters, for most of my life, was pretty miserable. I started wearing earplugs, which don’t really dampen the sound of the movie but do almost eliminate the

I have wondered what it would be like if patrons could zap the seat of other obnoxious patrons (and everyone must be strapped in, lol). Really zap.

It’s more garage than home now, twisted and evil.

A worthwhile (but oft overlooked) side note of this movie is that its heroes had public safety in mind a full year before the Man of Steel fiasco. Oh sure, there’s TONS of destruction in the last half hour, but Cap’s overall plan is built around containing the attack and getting citizens to safety. It’s a bit of