Kirk Chop

I assumed it was using a first-person, non-dashboard view.

Beatty was one of those great acclaimed actors of his time, but to us kids, like the classically-trained James Earl Jones’ Darth Vader, he will always be fondly remembered by nerds as Otis. He was a master of comic timing, like all great dramatic actors are. RIP.

November 11th, 2022? Promise?

Definitely improved.

Well, sort of. They sure seem to like making a lot of trailers without providing release dates.

Just in time for the slim version of the console. 🤡

Amen, brotha. Non-MCU projects have the opportunity to one-up the MCU. These studios certainly have the talent to come up with competing, if not better, aesthetics. Aside from this last Avengers crapfest, previous games seemed to pull that aspect off just fine. Just like the comic books and cartoons, I think games can

I often think SE could rake in the big bucks by just putting out a fashion-based game, with minimal gameplay. Just a bunch of posing customized character models with emotes and famous FF music.

If only they put as much effort into securing games.

SE probably bribed them for coverage. It’s the only explanation why they would even bother with shitty games like the recent Avengers.

Readers: “Fuck, I hate website slideshows.”

[Grunts] [Sighs] [Puts hand behind head and smiles] [Puts hand to chin in deep thought] [Nods for no reason] [Grunts] [Sighs]

Only aliens? No zombies? No killbots? Come on guys, if you’re gonna ride that worn-out genre, go all the way! Sheesh!

The future of FedEx is coming to PS5.

Console master race says hello, yo.

It was just another rushed scene. Whoever did the video editing on this episode sucks ass.

Doors and puddles, the bane of gaming. 

Oh man, this first episode was great. Injecting the style of humor they used into the heavy exposition was expertly handled. Now let’s see how the upcoming episodes turn out. This is going to get wild.

This episode did feel rushed at times. The laser scenes in the Fortress. Clark’s sudden guilt scene with Jordan. The ice pack scene between Lois and her father. The fact that Jonathan had a weapon stash.

Great. Now somebody is going to see this article and make a cherry-knot-tongue app.