Kirk Chop

Next-gen graphics. Last-gen gameplay.

For me, the first Avengers film hasn’t aged well. Most of the dialogue are one step away from making me cringe. Most scenes seem set up and superficial. That scene between Widow and Loki, especially. Also, Cap’s PSA clown costume. I do remember the big appeal at the time was the team-up factor. It was pretty surreal,

It depresses me that the potentially awesome adventures hinted at in TFA using an ex-Stormtrooper and a hotshot Resistance X-Wing leader got wasted so bad. Or that there also weren’t any meaningful scenes between Poe and Rey.

There’s probably a secret rehab program for acclaimed actors who got their careers dinged by being in Star Wars.

Nice! I’m grabbing the new Xbox whenever the Perfect Dark remake is released (assuming it ends up being worthy), along with the original XBLA remaster. And then go on an Xbox bc catalog binge.

Whatever mental gymnastics you need to do to emotionally cope with the PS5 supply issues, go for it. It’s some frustrating bullshit, to be sure.

All that work put in, and the characters still speak perfect white bread American English. Next.

See my post. lol

I remember years ago, I went with a friend to a local outdoor fried chicken food joint in L.A. where apparently they had a pigeon problem. There were maybe two or three scouts of them hanging out with us. We noticed the “Don’t feed the birds” sign next to us. My friend thought it was odd and that maybe the place was

This definitely is a rando weirdo list. Hold on a sec.

This mofo. I still have a copy of the Snyder Cut sitting on my drive waiting to be watched. I feel like I should watch it just because nerd-itus, but I can never think of a good reason to willingly block off four hours after being sucker punched into seeing MoS and BvS in the past. It’s that fool me once, fool me

“Inevitably, her speech and conduct do not line up with her age, and as the writer, this really bothered me,”

Our Superman might even fight the evil Superman. Could happen.”

I also am curious if the X Kryptonite plays into JHI and/or his daughter gaining powers, on top of the possibilities of the two becoming part of this show’s ensemble. I'm hyped.

Makes me wonder about the potential for JHI to stay on as an extra. On the assumption that he somehow, miraculously is able to emotionally separate this Supes from his evil Superman, maybe it’ll evolve into him being one of the few heroes on the planet able to stop Superman if he ever runs amok (by either on his own,

I need a fast food sanctuary where they serve Arby potato cakes, KFC potato wedges, and Taco Bell mexican pizzas all day. The hell is up with these places and messing with our heads?

Gemma was smoking hot as the blue chick in Captain Marvel. Nice to see her show up again in another form for the MCU. Solid actor.

It just occurred to me from your post that whenever the Star Trek and Star Wars franchises had tried to steal character traits from each other, they usually ended up with egg on their faces.

Speaking of frames, whoever edits the show is terrible. I caught the final season episode, and it was like they wanted to keep every single shot whether it fucked up the pacing or not. They stretch every moment 5 seconds too long.