Kirk Chop

More like Hot Streets of Diane Lane’s Fire, where speed limits do not exist.

Great for the students.

That song will forever play on 80's retro playlists. Definitely a classic, feelgood tune. It will never not be in my collection.

You’ll revisit the HW areas (and other expansions as well) occasionally, since the game likes to find ways to harness old content to use as grind mechanisms for current content.

As a team-based shooter, and in this era of DLC and expansions, I don’t get the logic of Blizz to not beef up OW1 with what is supposedly going to be OW2.

Alexandra: Master of Real Loaded Questions. I love it.

I was just thinking about the Streets of Fire film the other day, and wondered if all the melodramatic “rock n roll fable” tough dialogue and songs I liked as a kid held up today.

Sony is still probably trying to figure out how to properly handle legacy titles, especially when that whole PS3 Cell processor fiasco drops a fat wrench into any planning. There may still be some hope. Where there’s a will, there’s a way... but it’s probably money-related.

This is it right here.

Read the fucking part that came right after that quote you cherry-picked out of context. Let me hand-hold you and make it clearer. There is nothing fucking wrong with putting out black/female led movies. I just merely pointed out that they shouldn’t do it just for a free-pass participation trophy. Make sure it’s done

I’ve mentioned this before. These fucking MMO number-crunching nerds who somehow made it into marketing departments need to go away when it comes to titles other than MMO's. 

The casting fallout from this show is like a real life behind-the-scenes version of Suicide Squad.

I’d like to see the devs do some crazy shit with rewarding loot. Like, drop the loot at the start of a dungeon, but don’t give them out until the players complete the dungeon. It would favor the players, obviously, by respecting their time in that they know what they are working towards. There would be player dropouts

I totally did not expect her to show up here. Talk about a nice “hell yeah” surprise.

I’d imagine the scene between Ayo and T’Challa going something like:

You would have to define “ages”. Blade? Elektra? They existed before the MCU, and it wasn’t that long. If you meant actual mega-blockbuster Marvel films as we see them today, then yeah there was a lack of that across the board, Marvel or no Marvel. But “dragging their feet” they most certainly were not.

If it ends up going in this general direction, my body is ready for it. Time for the MCU villains to get their own Nick Fury.

Bringing in the Isiah character to cement Sam’s decision to be the next Cap is probably the best way to do it. Or most likely, the best way. He recognizes that it’s not just Steve’s legacy, it’s also Isaiah’s legacy as well that he’d be carrying the torch for. Probably the only two guys in the entire frickin universe

I don’t agree with your implication that maybe Marvel’s motives for coming out with Black Panther and Captain Marvel were questionable. These two characters have been part of the Marvel Comics foundation for DECADES. It was only a matter of time before they rightfully were brought to the forefront. Same with Wasp.