Kirk Chop

Yo, someone at WB and/or DC with the power to do so, please kill this project. Go work on a John Stewart Green Lantern movie or something if you want some alien action film loaded with visual effects. Stop trying to destroy the Superman mythos with your dumbass ideas.

That those MFers decided to go with “Fenyx” was an automatic NO from me.

I don’t think we needed to see the Salem flashback. With the usual amount of suspension of belief required with most things MCU, I still found this part unconvincing. If however more of this later ties in with Dr. Strange, then okay fair enough, but in the here and now it seemed like such a half-assed take on expositio

Follow the peeps on Twitter that give live stock 📢 alerts. Some (ok, a lot of) persistent despair with near-misses will be encountered, but just be ready for that 3am notification bell to go off. I got mine via this guy:

Yuffie the Wutai ninja operative needs to have an Asian accent to her English. Also, looks like we are in for more grunting and sighing overkill. Can't wait for a new youtube video counting them all out.

I think the entire point of the Yuffie content is probably to be an extra incentive to upgrade. Who knows for sure, though. They could easily make a PS4 version as an afterthought if they wanted to. Fan outrage might help the cause.

I still don’t know or want to know what the hell is going on with Lucasfilm, but as far as Marvel is concerned Disney+ has turned into Kevin Feige’s dream creative outlet for delving deep into all things Marvel that the big screen doesn’t have time for.

Finally got around to watching this pilot. I genuinely got choked up a few times on how well Superman/Clark was being Superman/Clark. The two sons angle still seems like an odd take for me, but for what it’s worth the writing tries really damn hard to make it work well and succeeds. The maturity of said writing was

Maybe this article will be like the ones on Kotaku that cover fan-made mods like Mario, and cause some powerful higher-ups to notice them and somehow somewhere subsequently shut them all down. One can hope.

The philosophy of a game based on speed and crossing the finish line apparently doesn’t apply to making the game.

She looks like she has the personality and acting chops. Blonde her, suit her up, and let’s go.

I’m just surprised that Kotaku doesn’t highlight FFXIV more prominently and more often. It’s where anime nerds, Final Fantasy nerds, and console/pc mmo nerds worlds collide.

Team Ninja’s Ninja Gaiden sure is one hell of a resilient series. I remember when it was a big deal on the first Xbox. Made me cave in to finally buy that dumbass 50lb console, with those dumbass jumbo controllers and all. Couldn’t believe how fast and smooth the combat system was at the time, though. Definitely was


Yeah, something like that at least. The nerds over there at Square need to calm down.

Kind of cool that they figured out a certain look and style for the Nier universe off of Automata.

Enjoy the honeymoon phase while it lasts.

It's Konami. Don't bother them anymore about all that Metal Gear nonsense. Or videogames in general. Get off their lawn.

I liked his work during the Firefly/Serenity era, but the thing I never really understood all these years was how Whedon would be tagged by the media as being a supporter of strong female characters. Aside from lucking out on the Buffy series, his women since then have all mostly been Hollywood status quo with