Kirk Chop

Get an hd projector, some JBL bassy Bluetooth speakers, clean out your garage, throw a sheet up on the backwall, drag in the couch, some throw rugs, tables, some pizza, invite a super small handful of family or friends over at 7pm, spread them out, and then watch a world premiere on Disney+.

Last time I will ever fucking allow myself to be bought out to fix WB’s Snyder bullshit. Yes, I am so crushed by this remedial action. Anyway, how bout them Dallas Cowboys?  - Joss

I was really digging the Redbox process, being able to rent a game disc to check them out. If they were good enough, it was reassuring that I could straight up go through and buy the game. Game Pass seems to be useful in this way instead of looking at it as a iffy ownership thing.

I was really digging the Redbox process, being able to rent a game disc to check them out. If they were good enough,

If you are basing your question off that piece of trash called Perfect Dark Zero, then I can see why you might be wondering. The original release on the N64, and in recent years a psuedo-remastered version of it on Xbox Live, had features that frankly should have been the standard by now but isn’t. And they crammed

They are ricocheting players right out of the game. lol

Catbois, with their dbag posing and hairball vomit idle emotes should be exterminated from this game. They are the scourge of everything holy.

They’ll probably bring in a newer version of Wedge. What I’m interested in seeing though, is how often they will name-drop Luke without bringing in Hamill at some point.

I still maintain that the only two actors who were able to conquer the bad dialogue given to them were Neeson and McGregor. Okay, maybe also McDiarmid too. Everyone else, who were shown to be great in their other films, just crashed and burned into the cardboard acting netherverse. Lucas was just phoning in his

It was pretty amazing to see Lucas get all these credible actors and actresses, and then proceed to suck the life out of their acting prowess, causing them to either live a life of shame and seclusion, or work really hard to rebound and pretend the prequels never existed.

I would most definitely be down for a next-gen Crimson Skies rebirth.

They better not fuck this up like that piss-poor game that launched with the X360. The feature list should be equal to or exceed the original, or it’s going right into the trash heap.

Our genitals don’t need no fixing! Don’t try to take away our texture clipping freedoms! Goddamn libs!

Anti-graphics is so punk rock! 

That movie felt like it was written in dark crayons of dumb by Snyder, and then Whedon came in with some happier-colored dumber crayons. If it wasn’t for my curiosity on how WW would be presented, I would have otherwise not even bothered to go see that shitstorm of a movie. And it was a stupid waste of time, exactly

Nice, I think I’ll check this out. Yeah, Ace Combat 7 wasn’t all that great like I was hoping. The two things that kill those games for me:

One day, perhaps in our lifetime, costume designers will actually get it right. They’ll figure out how not to fuck with his neckline, cape, chest shield size, and belt buckle. It won’t be this show, but hey there’s always hope that if this series lasts a few seasons, they’ll feel like making changes. More likely for

I’ve also wanted to see the return of the S on the cape. Never liked it being omitted ever since the TAS days. I’ve heard from a few animators that it supposedly was difficult to animate, but I call bullshit. On the anniversary short clip WB made that included Superman throughout the decades, they put the S back there

Yeah, I was not a fan of the Routh SR outfit, and probably never will be, but I’m willing to watch Hoechlin try to give it a second chance at doing it justice. It’s certainly better than his previous CW suit.