Kirk Chop

Is there open bluetooth support for headsets?

The big attraction for me is the PS5's need for speed on the backwards compatibility titles. It’ll be great to return to cartridge-like speeds for those games I have backlogged.

Some of it I think is due to Michell Obama’s “When they go low, we go high” bullshit that resonated with voters so much. She tried to update it this time around, but if it wasn’t for Republican purist groups like The Lincoln Project unloading all-out attacks on Trump, I don’t think Biden would have stood a chance.

We had a defected, enlightened ex-stormtrooper, and then a guy who is the best fighter pilot in the Resistance (probably ever) who was Leia’s go-to hotshot boytoy for important shit. These dudes both became buddies. Okay cool, let’s keep it going and try to exploit those angles and put them in dangerous situations

I gotta admit though, they seem to make a pretty good pair, style-wise. Kind of surprised they had never done a double bill prior to Man of Steel.

That damn Kurt Russell lives a great life. At this point, it seems like he just does rando movies now for shits and giggles. He has nothing really to prove anymore.

Vote, and then jerk off all you want. Probably the most soundest, fairest deal ever in 2020.

Everyone not named Rey, Ren, and Luke got fucked over in the sequel trilogy. Even though Force Awakens was incredibly derivative, I felt that there was at least the promise of having Rey, Finn, and Po be the core characters on the good guys end. They had two more movies to expand and add a little more depth, but Finn

Definitely a game Sega can be proud of. One of the best reasons to own a Dreamcast back in the day. 

Yeah, I remember when Rare used contextual bgm systems that went as far back as Killer Instinct Gold, I think. Even Super Mario 64 did that, right? And LucasArts/Factor 5 with the Rogue Squadron stuff. That shit was total genius, whoever it was that invented it. The way the instruments would transition and change

Can this project please just come out already? Shitty movie, shitty directors, a disgruntled actor who played a Teen Titans character who shouldn’t have been in it to begin with, with the film being reworked into a zillion-hour low contrast shitshow that will only appeal to a small percentage of delusional Snyder fan-n

Give it silent click buttons, and then we’ll talk.

Now I’m thinking the horizontal crowd will start flipping their units so that the disc slot is on top. And then have to remember to insert discs upside down. lol

Same. I have the og PS4, but still would fail if someone tried to quiz me on which button is which. Horrible design choice by Sony there. The slim’s tactile buttons is what they should’ve done the first time.

The thing that finally made me cave to go pick up the PS2 was the MGS2 demo that was packed in with Zone of the Enders. ZOE was trash, but the demo was worth it. Better than what the actual full game ended up being, since there was no Raiden and his whiny girlfriend mucking things up.

Still waiting for details on bluetooth headphone support. PS4 is horrible on that front.

Coming soon after everyone gets tired of this Baby Yoda bullshit: BABY CHEWBACCA!

Solid actor. I was initially so amped for his Po Dameron Star Wars role, only to watch it get castrated and squandered with each episode. If this rumor is true, he is going to rock out.

Alien: Isolation. The only licensed game where I was questioning whether or not immersing players in that world was a good idea. Jesus, I’ve had that game on my backburner for years after getting maybe 50% in, thinking I’ll man up one day to finish it. The tension levels climb to ridiculous heights in that one.

Let us know when they have fixed all the stupid bugs, so we can go back in.