Kirk Chop

Nice, I’ve been wondering how widespread this was when it began to dawn on me that I’d see the “machine down” sign in the drive-thru quite frequently, even when I’d be there for other items. Their soft serve ice cream cones are too damn awesome.


That SHIELD desk nerd back in the Winter Soldier film could be cool to see again. And those peeps from the world security council are still in limbo, I think.

Yeah, Justin Hammer is still disco enough to come back, especially now that Stark is gone.

Holland better act his ass off and convince all of us that he won't suddenly change into Spider-Man in any given scene.

Goddamn marketing departments sticking their noses in games as usual. There isn't enough Raid cans to kill them all off.

You’re actually thinking of a rip-off film called ”Smokey Bites the Dust”, which had nothing to do with the Bandit films. Bandit 3 was the one with Jerry Reed's Snowman pretending to be the Bandit.

I liked the short "Good Idea, Bad Idea" clips.

They can try, but I doubt they’ll get far. Even the original cast couldn’t replicate the enormous success of the first film in the sequels.

Release the Barney Snyder cut.

It's just a shame, that's all.

Blast Corps on the N64, a day after I had hit 100% Platinums. All I had done was turn the game on. Those memory paks were terrible.

Is the PR for this ugly-ass game done yet?

That reminds me, I should go back and resume where I last left off on the remaster... before they decide to remake it for PS5.

I am all for anything that scares people into turning off voice chat and getting them to quit their incessant yapping. Record them. Take photos of them speaking into their mics. Post their phone numbers and home addresses. Their medical history. Driver’s license ID. Credit history. Social security ID. Just shut them

Good. Shut those dumbasses down.

One thing I want to know is how the PS5 will handle bluetooth headsets. It better be able to pair up with any brand and type. The limited support on PS4 is just straight up bullshit.

More gimmicky fast food shock tactics, zero value.

Looks good so far. I’m interested in seeing how easy it’ll be to see my friendlist. I hate when UI's truncate shit.

The PS4 UI was clunky, mostly designed with the assumption that assets would load right away, even though most of the time they didn’t. Also, the little idle banner that would slide in from the bottom of the screen and obstruct items has pissed me off since day one.