Kirk Chop

When I’m able to grab a kick ass 5-layer burrito and some nacho fries in a reasonable short amount of time without stepping out of my car, TB cannot be beat.

Hell yeah. I fill up the hole entirely with sugar. Rockin n rollin!

Yeah, it was a double-edged sword thing. On one hand, the necessity to find groups to tackle an already punishingly harsh mmo system sucked, but out of that a lot of friendships (and enemies) were formed because of it. Shared pain, I suppose. lol

The soundtrack compositions in FFXI are so solid, with real leading melodies and emotion. FFXIV tries to meet that standard, and does so most of the time, but XI’s MP3's are worth holding on to. I still listen to them every so often, and just marvel at how well written they are. It’s crazy.

I’m going to dbrand skin the PS5 when that puppy shows up. Atari 2600 woodgrain all the way.

I’d be down for another new round of some Splinter Cell next gen. A lot of games today try to squeeze in stealth into whatever themes they got going, but SC don’t play around.

And pointy chins. Please look forward to it.

I in no way was suggesting Barbara be Batwoman. I’ll try this again.

Man, it must suck to be young and have to work with out of touch fossils over there. It’s not even party-specific. Keep up you fucking old fogies, or get out of the damn way for those who do.

Yes, I am WELL AWARE. What I am saying is, the Batwoman character should not exist. AT ALL.

I wish they would’ve had made Jim Gordon black, and then spin off a Barbara Gordon Batgirl and build on that, instead of a Batwoman. The existence of a Batwoman to me just seems so unnecessary, just as a Superwoman would be. Sidestepping Barbara annoys me to no end.

I’m with you on this. Whether on PS5 or SX, one thing is certain to me. Racing games will be awesome again with no loading screens.

The tone of this article sounds more like a “don’t hate on Xbox” plead case. I think that they are looking at coming in last place again. The upper majority will still lean towards different combinations of PS5, PC, and Switch, just like current gen. MS hasn’t shown anything thus far that looks to change this scenario.

That is horrifying. They should be using PS4 controllers.

If the game continues to roll in the dough, I’m pretty sure there’ll be a sequel. And if they want to really make things interesting, they should start the game with the original kill choice screen, and have two alternate storylines. For those who have the save data from the first one, the game could just read that

The entire game was spent showing that Shimura was never going to bend. He’d rather die than compromise his devotion to the samurai code. Killing him was the only way for both parties to cleanly move on.

I manually saved right at the choice screen, and then killed the old man without hesitation. To let him live wouldn’t just be a reflection on Jin, but also on Shimura and all the future potential dilemmas both he and Jin would have to endure. Taking the kill route was a win-win to me. At least Shimura died knowing Jin

Yup. Watch the legs. They’ll first try to make you flinch. Don’t fall for that bullshit, and you’re good to go.

Right after I platinumed and cleaned up all the straggling bits, I went back to my hideout home, got up on the roof, and played the flute while the sun was setting. I made my own poetic ending before I said bye to the game. Made my own dramatic cutscene. lol

Yeah, there was a point where I had to really stop what I was doing and go off somewhere secluded to practice and get my muscle memory used to switching the throwables, the flaming blade, etc. Not the most intuitive for sure, but doable. They could’ve probably found a better method, but yeah.