Kirk Chop

I got one hour before I’m able fire up this baby, and this info sounds like a major needed go for me. Thanks for the heads-up!

The San Francisco Rush 2049 racing game way back on the Dreamcast had non-existent load times, which I couldn’t believe. Shocked, even. I’ve always wondered how that dev team managed to achieve that miracle.

Yep. Take the PS2, as an example. There was a massive overlap between the PS2 and PS3 eras. The PS2 was still selling ridiculously well long after the PS3 launch, so Sony just let it ride and juggled both systems for awhile.

That cgi beard is flawless.

I cannot wait until this “loading screen culture” is done away with on next-gen, along with the fucking people who think waiting on load times are acceptable.

If I’m able to plug in an external Blu-ray drive for my movie discs, I’m definitely going all-in on the all-digital PS5.

So is the average consumer actually saving money now by moving away from cable and subbing to these streaming services? Seems like we’re back in the same boat, spending-wise.

What I ended up doing was buying the MakeMKV program. It rips the content off the BD, and plays them back on VLC in the MKV format (which is cool, because the format can retain subtitles and alternate audio tracks, if you’re into that sort of thing).

Yep. I have a BD drive on my desktop from years ago, and I don’t think I’ve ever bought software that were on BD. Even in today’s climate, I bought a Pioneer external drive for my new disc-less XPS 15 laptop, and it was a super pain in the ass to find free player software for it.

Aerosoft, calm down!

I have time for a second playthrough because I can finish games on Easy at a decent pace. I don’t really stress out if I go on a second harder run, since I’ve already experienced the game to its $60 end and have the sense of freedom to now walk away at any time if I wanted to.

Yeah totally. I’ll drop them down to Easy right away, but early on if the game is looking unusually too easy, I will restart and turn it up a notch. But not the other way around. I’d rather start at the bottom and ramp up accordingly.

Lately, I’ve just not been giving any F’s to difficulty settings. I just set them to Easy, so I can actually enjoy the game without getting hung up on dying. If a game ends up being entertaining enough, then I’ll usually make a second run with the difficulty turned up. With the scope and attention that these kinds of

I totally get your point. It’s like trying to eat an 8-course meal for breakfast, lunch, and dinner every day. It’s great at first, but after awhile there comes a point where one has to scream “stopppppp!”.

Kira was such a loaded, great character.

It is hard for me to choose. I’d trust Picard to make the best decisions for the good of the galaxy and the Federation, and that he’d succeed in finding the ultimate diplomatic solution to everything. He had his vineyard family business. We delved into his past and found a lot of depth.

Porn Farr?

Too bad they didn’t make the Wesley Crusher character female. I mean, how often can a son really go to his mother for personal advice? Maybe often, but not every time. Guys have to be guys.

Yeah, I view the Civil War film as being a sequel to both Ultron and Winter Soldier. Definiitely.

Winter Soldier should have absolutely been put on this list somewhere. That movie legitimized Cap. Up until that movie, his debut film and the first Avengers film put him on shakey ground with me. The WS film defined him with a modern story, uniform, and outlook. That movie also started the ball rolling on the MCU by