Kirk Chop

Japan has better statues than the USA. We gotta top them somehow. Where’s our life-size USS Enterprise and Star Destroyer statues at? We are lagging!

Alien vs Predator vs Avengers vs Justice League vs Judge Dredd vs Archie vs Winnie The Pooh vs The Mandalorian vs Hamilton vs Transformers vs Picard.

The visual style of the PS5 sometimes strikes me as an odd way of future-proofing. Like if the PS5 originally had a normal symmetrical profile, but over time excessive CPU overheating melted and warped the shell, and that Sony was just thinking ahead and warped it fresh out of the box. lol

The visual style of the PS5 sometimes strikes me as an odd way of future-proofing. Like if the PS5 originally had a n

Yeah, us and the comic book loving crowd know that. But, ask any mainstream kid today who Cyborg is and the majority of them will most likely point to the”Booyah!” Cyborg from the Titans animated shows. Although, it’s still kind of hard to believe nowthat show premiered in 2003. The time sure flew by.

I think, timing-wise, that a first-person VR Iron Man game like this one would have been great if it had come out say right around the time of the second Iron Man film. Putting it out today seems a little late to capitalize on the IP. We’ve already seen enough of it by now in multiple MCU movies to cancel out the

I’m mad Whedon didn’t just remove Cyborg entirely from the movie. Fisher did fine as the character, but the character itself just spent the better part of the past decade being established as part of the Teen Titans. I wish DC would stop shoehorning him into the Justice League. He doesn’t fit in there. Never has.

Okay, I think I got this.

Agreed. To echo, I too am getting real fucking tired of games feeling the need to have their HD environments almost always in a state of ruin, just to show off how detailed and clever they think they can get, and that in order to have entertaining drama, life needs to be miserable and devoid of some humor.

“New World”

All the good names were taken, so these games had to fall back on Plan B. Or Plan C, by the looks of of the number of shitty, unimaginative ones out there.

I hear you, man. It’s like this all the time with trends on any format, in any market. Something is proven to work and rakes in the bucks, So then like clockwork it gets milked, gets oversaturated with lesser clones, and drains the demographic until said demographic gets tired of the same old same old. Then once the

Thou shalt not eat pizza with pineapples on them.

Compare X’s track variety to GX’s. I don’t recall GX making me go through as many leaps, jumps, and loop-de-loops.

Yeah, of all things to include in a promo picture... a stack of wooden logs? What is that about? We supposed to subliminally be getting woodies?

Get a pair of quality noise-canceling, bass-heavy headphones/buds plugged into the controller. Rich af audio, with the added benefit of not only blocking out any PS4 fan noise, but also everything else in life not pertaining to the damn game at hand. lol

Yeah, in the film there was silence until the final lap as well. If the game music was constant, I’d initially assume the game was busted. I can’t recall how the Dreamcast version handled it, though I think the N64 version did it with silence.

But on the other hand, those rollercoaster, dizzying tracks ruled. I’m still waiting for a F-Zero game to beat what they did there.

I played the N64 version a lot. I didn’t really like the shoddy feel of the menus, especially the upgrade screen, but the rest of it I got into. The sense of speed I was expecting was absolutely met.

I’d like to see the hypocrite running Twitter grow an actual backbone and do the same.

I wonder how much longer these streaming services can survive. Not so much tech-wise; that part is working. It’s the rest of the social baggage that is concerning.