Kirk Chop

What's the deal with Batman's cheekbones? Why does it break his cowl?

That's how long it's been. People forget.

There is no such thing as an American accent. We speak normal. Everyone else on the planet is just trying to be different. 😛


Huh? how much butter were you using to where they drip? I toast that butter all the time, and never had any issues with fire. It’s a light layer of butter for me.

They started drive-thru’s in some areas of Los Angeles, too. There was a brand new location built where I was living at the time there several years back. The car flow was set up pretty well to accommodate the expected long lines. There are also some that have been operating here in Hawaii, with similar lot space. Comb

How come I don’t see this in stores more:

The Knightfall story arc was just amazing to me. When it was first announced, I initially scoffed at the whole thing as just another bullshit comic book shock tactic, like killing off Superman, but it ended up being so integral to the world of Batman, questioning and defining what it was and what it should be for him

The two-week incubation delay period is a killer for the quarantined, and for governments and businesses anxious and panicked on the economics and staying open. This ain’t just going away as easy as expecting the virus to just conveniently wither away like a winter flu.

Yeah, $450 should be the limit. 500 is pushing it. Comparisons to smartphone buying habits are a dumb af trend.

For $500, it better let me fucking make phone calls, fit in my pocket, run Google Maps, and order from Doordash.

And now, time for Mr. Johnson’s follow-up “apology/what have I learned from all of this” statement? We’re waiting, Mr. Johnson. How are you doing over there?

I’m ready for the Morales Spidey game. And then a Spider-Gwen game after it, and then after that all three in one big final Insomniac extravaganza blowout epic game.

God, I fucking hate it when articles try to push videos. If I wanted to be a slave to video, I’d be on YouTube instead of here.


I don’t know about everyone else, but regarding the PS5's backward compatibility feature I can’t wait to pop in some PS4 games with their load times shortened to either very little or non-existent. Graphics are now at a point of diminishing returns, so I welcome more speedy drives. Loading screens need to be

FFVII is like the Star Wars franchise, in that with each new element thrown into the lore, whether it be characters, places, etc, that world is so set up for writers to use as a springboard to go nuts. It’s why VII is pretty much their flagship FF, even though it came out 8 Final Fantasies ago.

You mean just model them after PC desktop gpu cards, then? I'm down with that. Let's go!

Just replace the rest of your rig with overdesigned models, so they’ll blend. The chicks will dig it. 😁

The George Foreman fat PS3, the PS One slim, the PS2 slim (now that was one tiny ass remodel; crazy), and the PS4 slim. If there’s going to be a poll, they should be in there with the rest.