Kirk Chop

Whenever I lament that the Trekkie nerds have taken over the Star Wars stuff, the responses to your post are exactly what I mean. The Star Wars franchise is digging itself into a hole anyway, just like Star Trek. The lore just spinning its wheels in a circle going nowhere.

That is not what I meant. If Evan was still planning on reviewing the change as he mentioned in his article, he would probably have to reset to make the comparisons. I was just hoping he’d go in with a fresh set of eyes that hasn’t experienced the original, as there will be enough mmo nerd websites out there that will

Or quit using a slow-ass loading html page just to log in on the PS4.

During the early to mid 70's, Japanese heroes and anime made a huge impact in Hawaii. My earliest recollection started with a hero named “Rainbowman”, followed by “Kikaida”, “Kamen Rider V3", which kicked off a steady stream of shows for several years. Kikaida was a phenomenon, with live show performances, pics of the

It’s like, if I’m ordering food and know what I want, I don’t need some ahole standing in line behind me telling me I should be ordering something else.

It is tricky. I sub to a wide range of stuff that interests me, but I only get around on average maybe two or three reliably. For me, it’s mostly time spent, and then it becomes how important is it really, and then how is the presenter keeping me engaged.


I can’t stand number-crunching, minmaxing, speedrunning basement fucktard nerds who can’t respect other players’ preferences. If someone feels like putzing around, let them, and shut the hell up. Pass it on.

Let’s assume Ethan wasn’t intent on trying to game the system, and just plain forgot about a long-dormant account he had and tripped. I don’t think this is uncommon. He tries to set it up, and all he gets is a popup message telling him he already checked out the game, and full stop? No other info.

PlayOnline still holds the first place crown. And then imagine Square-Enix integrating it with their own shitty account management. I recently tried a free login thing with FFXI, and the setup process was... let’s just say I wouldn’t wish this task on my worst enemy.

And it only took the dev team three expansions to figure it out.

*Assuming you were intent on documenting your experience, that is.

There is also the Steam version, which... is a whole other mess unto itself.

Lmao nice justification. How about the idea that SE are just terrible at account management and promotion?

Welcome to Step 1 of the Wonderful Friction-Filled World of Square-Enix. Many more fun memories like this are ahead should you wish to continue.

You see, the boy you end up talking to has direct ties to Shinra R&D. His uncle works for Hojo. They were looking into lightweight materials that would not only resist physical damage, but also be able to transmit statistical data to their tracking systems.

All they’d need to do is just release a patch that adds facial expressions and call it the Perfect Anniversary Edition. I'd be more than fine with that. I'd fucking love it!

Yeah, IIRC the base non-Expansion Pak version only had multiplayer. The only way to do the solo story mode was to pony up the cash and buy the pak.

[drools] I’d hit that.

Bob Gale continues to be my hero on all things BTTF.