Kirk Chop

Sorry, but Halo is not even close. It was part of the problem, if not started it altogether. But lots of people gravitated to it, so my opinion doesn’t matter on that series.

I am trying to comprehend the demographics of the actual players who are involved. How old are they, and why a penguin game? And why did people feel compelled to create private servers for it in the first place?

We made a preset we called “Duck Hunt”. Max amount of sims. Pistols (1h and 2h). One-hit kills. Either a 5min timer or first to 25.

Post-PD, the state of first-person shooters have continued to disappoint me in terms of features. Perfect Dark should’ve been the floor, not the ceiling.


Once anime is able to move away from the generic big-eyed, pointy-chinned, spiky haired schoolgirl/nerd guy stereotypes, then we’ll talk.

I’m interested in seeing how protective Microsoft will be on this. My initial expectation is they'll stomp it out of existence.

Bounty Hunter Leia: To shoot and blow stuff up with.

So how do the Chinese food and pizza places manage their delivery services? They were doing it well before the GrubHubs and the Doordashes showed up.

They should look into display options to house them. Something black maybe, with some backlighting. They can even get those cheap magnetic LED bars that has motion sensors in ‘em.

In b4 Samsung releases their version before Apple does.

Ahh, the sense of moving forward and feeling like the franchise was giving us new things to discover. Unlike today’s re-purposing, recycling of Star Wars.

Assuming the vibration feature works on some of them, they'd sell great as sex toys for the ladies.

Easy solution. Don’t ever release games on PC. Console Master Race says hi!

To be fair, that is a dauntingly shit ton of episodes to tackle. Damn.

Hey, this actually brings up an interesting idea. The Star Trek studios should consider creating a new animated Star Trek series. A hybrid CG/Traditional smooth style would be pretty dope to see.

I’m still looking for the ultimate gaming couch, actually. It has to be firm but soft, provide a functional but stylish spot to place my controllers, keyboards, headsets, phones, etc, built-in power charging outlets if possible, and armrests that can be flexed into pillows.

I still like the chat bubble approach they use. Cracked me up back in the PSO days. This game needs to come to the PS4 asap.

I thought Man of Steel was an interesting take, but ultimately a drag for repeated viewings. BvS was just bad. I was sitting in the theater curious how exactly Snyder was going to convince us that both characters would actually fight each other, and it ended up being just stupid.