Kirk Chop

Mentions mansplaining. Gets mansplaining replies about mansplaining.

I’m just glad we are finally getting around to loading speeds. Load times and their annoying screens are the worst fucking thing to ever happen to gaming.

I think they could’ve gotten away with keeping the title, if instead of plastering it out front it was relegated to the top panel next to the ferns.

Not surprised. We have to keep in mind that back then developing on the PS3 was difficult. Most studios preferred the X360's learning curve first. Simultaneous development would be a slow torture, and trying to port X360 code to the PS3 after the fact was usually an expensively bad idea.

Every Buford scene could easily be turned into a classic quotable clip/meme/gif.

This film has always been a permanent part of my collection. The sense of freedom in the way Bandit circulates himself, both in and out of his wheels, is just simply awesome. Add in a mixture of real jokes and cheap laughs, layer it with Jackie Gleason’s genius ad libbing and timing, with a plotline involving staying

Comic Sans subtitles and Captain America’s Avengers 1 costume, together at last. The apocalypse has arrived, boys and girls.

I’m still waiting for a wild animal fighting game, with the title being:

Here’s the strange thing. Folks on my friendlist who try this end up making theirs, then laugh that the app wasn’t able to come close to what they look like, no matter how hard they tried. Laughing at incompetent half-assed apps. That’s their audience.

Is there anything original created in China that we can rip off to return the favor and offend them?

Someone is adding this to a detailed Trump timeline retrospective for later, right? So we can all look back at all of this idiocy, to make sure history never repeats itself? Right?


Well, imo step one should’ve been to toss the “Man from UNCLE” title, and come up with a more blockbusterish-sounding title. They still could have probably kept that stuff inside the film for sure, but that title alone always bothered me and never screamed “Come watch me!”.

I share this perspective as well. Top Gun had to have been one of the first 80's films to nail the “MTV-like” visual aesthetics into an art form in cinema. Sort of like what Miami Vice did for television. It set a bar that elevated films ever since. For example, you can’t really have a aerial dogfight scene today witho

“What’s wrong with buying used books?”

Gargoyles was a solid show back in the day. It would be interesting to see how it would fit in today’s evolved climate given the opportunity.

Let’s jut hope those ugly-ass shoulder cape fasteners don’t make a return.

Is it Cassie Drake’s time yet?.

Here’s to the promise of eliminating loading screens once and for all. Let’s see you prove it, Sony.