
I saw a number of scenes where he was the porn director from “The Girl Next Door” in that show. He makes me laugh, even when he isn’t trying.

The Wonder reaffirmed a promise that my wife and I made to each other 9 years ago. Not because it was a wonderful movie; it wasn’t. It was god awful detritus that made me sad for everyone who acted in it.

Maybe they could join me and Whipple for a play-date? I’m thinking Road America?

While I don’t disagree about the fancy piece of design to sell more product, I would like to point out that Koenigsegg has been making additive wheels since 2012 using carbon fiber, and have had some great performance records with them.

I could be wrong, but this sounds like the difference of using a magnetic HDD and a SSHD. Now I feel like benchmarking my PS4 Pro using an SSHD, and see how it holds up.

Santa Clarita should be at least allowed to do a farewell episode (and tell us what happened to Joel), but to not tell us what is going on with T.Rathbone’s Cthulhu heart is a travesty! Don’t let the Tick fall again! He’s only molted twice, and it is rare that I can watch a superhero show with my kid, and we are both

This is a big factor for me as well. I love some of the cars from the 1970's, but it’s with the knowledge that not all of them are going to run perfect, and be always drivable, such as a modern day car. Big change in barometric pressure and suddenly your 3 port carburetor is a pretty piece of art, and not the

I’m waiting for someone at Harvard Business School to write the paper titled “The Law of Diminishing Returns - The Online Streaming Content Devaluation”.

Yup, I would have watched that, and been on board. Not to mention my wife would have gotten on board, which she did not with how it played out last night.

Oh, I should add, isn’t the Star Wars Battlefront games rated 17+ ? Darth Vader is not the target audience

This sounds like a very expensive method to fightback with popCap games because he accidentally bought a cow for his farmville.

She stated she was blond... pointing out that she is a stereotype of a California girl living in the OC driving a white RR.

I’m ashamed that this is something that has to exist in our world. I understand the need to be safe, but the problem isn’t in your need to carry a wallet.

My nephew has a large Anki Overdrive set that I was jealous of all the time. Mostly because it was never setup to play when I came over.

I for one am excited on what this could mean for racing. What are the limits of a vehicle today? If we had a series that said forget all of those safety measures (roll cages, fire suppression, speed limits for pitting), and had unlimited engineering empowerment for downforce, alternative materials, tire / wheel

I have a slightly different take. I drive a lot. Like 1500 km (932 miles) per week. The PT cruiser was a car I had to drive a few times, and it wasn’t the build quality I took issue with, or the underpinnings of the Neon (I actually found the Neon wasn’t bad to drive for the price point).

I’ve never seen her talk before, and I was surprised at the rhetoric that she tried to change the discussion to. He father, for all of his accomplishments and flaws, was at least listening to others. She wasn’t doing that, she was focused on the sound bite she wanted to say (terrorists who killed 3 people and ~looking

Is it just me, but I feel like everytime someone types or says Captain Marvel, I keep wondering if they really mean Shazam? They really should have given her a different name.

I can’t believe I’m agreeing with Torch on something (I don’t spend as much time staring at vintage VW tail lights), but I would go with the fairlady...

What about spider monkeys, and their prehensile tails? I’m not saying you are wrong, I am curious, as I’ve seen them use there tail in either direction to grab a tree limb, and while they do have a tailbone, they are not sporting bones all through the tail.