
So now your telling me that the jerk who cut me off in his AMG S63 was really just pinching the pennies, and not being an asshat? I feel so much better now.

Sigh... If this becomes a thing, then I would like to also have a race series for drivers who are only one race... so the (insert race here) can complete on the world stage...

I’m driving my EVO to the grave, so I agree... why do I want to “keep the resale value?” It’s an EVO, not a civic... I didn’t buy it to resale, I bought it to enjoy driving, and have my car be mine.

This was one of the biggest disappointments I had when I traded in my 2009 Lancer Sportsback for the 2014 Evo X... Touchscreeen radio and phone control. The phone connection is flaky, and the screen is way too bright during night driving. I wish it went back to the 2 line monochrome display, so I could just enjoy the

Ryan’s next assignment: get a report of all the deer hit by 18 wheelers this year.

I believe Toronto still offers a dime for every raccoon tail you collect... The dirty rabies carriers and their nimble little fingers need to be exported to places that think they are cute and adorable.

I’m more upset about the title of the article. It reads like the reason the pilot crashed into the ocean was because the aircraft carrier turned towards North Korea, and the pilot didn’t want to go.

He would have made a better “the American” than Mike Skinner on the Grand Tour. Those rantings about the communists got old in 30 seconds.

Remake of Far and Away sounds like a better idea, now that you mentioned it.

Are all Bricklins white? I’ve never seen one in another colour. It’s kind of like a Delorean coming in anything but unpainted steel. :)

One more set of oddball cars... This was in 2007 in Vienna:

I was in California a few years back, so it’s probably not as rare in that climate as back home in snow and salt land...

I was just looking for my local photo of a Bricklin in Ottawa, Canada. Not the one in the Science and Tech museum either!

Few people knew that a 2004 Canadian Quarter had such a long history... Oh, wait, we are talking about the scrapings on the wall behind the quarter? That looks like something a moose rubbed off it’s hind quarters!

Pikes Is the only comparable, as it’s isolated nature, makes it less likely to have spectators killed. TT Tasmania / TT Newfoundland are still running, but it’s more of a “welcome all” road rally.

Unless your name is Dean Kearney:

Rally Red EVO X

Did I just see my wife’s next car? It’s checks the box of “will it stand up to the kids?”

Going out on a limb here, but why not the big W (that is the big double U, for those with accents), or the Boomerang?