I think the pumpkin head scares the fallen because they don't try to get as close as normal and it says in the description that it instills fear into them
I think the pumpkin head scares the fallen because they don't try to get as close as normal and it says in the description that it instills fear into them
Do it you can only die once from heart disease!!!
Still haven't been able to play VoG because I only have 3 other friends with ps4's and we all just got up level 26, but because of work we are rarely online at the same times, I wish they would use matchmaking for the people you don't have available, but you need 6 friends which is stupid.
A original xbox console must be a dead giveaway for US customs that person is smuggling drugs.
My favorite aircraft of all time Wharthog's rock
Me and a buddy and 2 others were looting the crap outta the cave minutes before the patch then went on to other missions, then we heard the news that it gone with the new patch
Since text messages are constantly being sent even when you are not sending them it just sends an empty packet of data, I expect this to have major issues with detection.
I was under the assumption that the xbox one has no fans so what is making this noise HDD or Blueray
It pretty much was indestructible except the screen which was the only thing that would break on mine as a kid was the screen
I would love to see a video of the jet with sea pontune land on water, never heard they had this.
I have no clue why Canada choose to go with the f-35 instead of the Euro Fighter Typhoon seemed like a way better option then the F-35
Demolition derby or corn field car race to protect the radiator is my best guess
I know I tried last year to buy on PC only to find it wasn't available and now this shipped version. Looks like I am waiting for NHL16. Sad very sad
Dammit, couldn't get NHL14 because it wasn't out for PS4 wasn't out for PC either and I wasn't buying it for xbox360. So I was very excited to buy this when NHL15 came out looks like I might have to wait to NHL16 Damn you EA you heartless monster.
Are the perfect level times and for medals the same on the ps4 and vita? Or do you get more time on vita. If not I expect ps4 to be easier, cause I have played the first one a bit and there is a lot going on and it's difficult to get a handle on the extremely fast pace.
Ya but at least they didn't try to jam DRM down our throats when no one wanted it. And it's not the same as steam because they only sell digital games no hard copies. Sony was just smarter to not alienate millions of gamers.
Except for the pS4, ps4 has 10 million sold in and sitting in people's homes and Microsoft has sold 5 million to stores, so nice try
Something tells me that a plane built with a parachute for engine failures is not a safe plane to fly.
Could just be that they allocate more bandwidth for each session of the Web server then MS which would make it easier to overload or less server connections
Only if you got it done at a VW dealer, tuner shops will do it for like 500 with the water pump, VW dealers were close to 2K for the service without the pump.