Class act from vettel again, only shame is now I know who wins looks like he is world champion again, still need to watch the gp on my pvr
Class act from vettel again, only shame is now I know who wins looks like he is world champion again, still need to watch the gp on my pvr
Looks like part of the engineer pit board, the part of the desk
You actually have to take the front bumper off to get at the timing belt take 3-4 hours to complete with water pump change
I got my timing belt and water pump done on my b5 for 500, I suspect it's he wants more power and better gas mileage as I also have the a4 sedan, been thinking for putting on a turbo or buying another car, also the gas price for it too and I only drive mine at most 5000 kms a year, maybe some rust is starting to show…
I didn't get the email but someone sent me the code
actually I just added my GMG key to origin said as soon as I put it in that the preload is available
TAREM-BF4NA-BOOM1 new code for BF 4 20 percent off from This code works just used it. Yesterdays wouldn't work for me when I had the email, but this works
TAREM-BF4NA-BOOM1 new code for BF 4 20 percent off from This code works just used to yesterdays wouldn't work for me when I had the email
Thx a lot man got that one to work cheers
Max payne 1 and 2 beware if you have a AMD graphics card there is a chance these games are not playable will not boot.
20 percent off from greenmangaming but you have to have the promo email sent to you
That is so messed up, such a sneaky rat EA is
Really if so that is complete bs it shouldn't matter where you bought it from it should work all the same, if they did do this looks like EA is trying to make another run at worst corporation in the world
Then funny thing is I have and received the promo email with code and it still not work, gonna try using my proxy to get that deal
I know, I also held off of preordering bf4 because 1. The preorder is bullshit china rising great considering I am going to be getting premium and this preorder bonus is worthless 2. No bundle for getting BF4 and premium which is bullshit
Don't sweat it man they will send out the code 48 hours before release so you can preload happened to me for f1 2013
Thx man I might do that still waiting to hear back from greenmangaming but if I don't for sure gonna get it off gamefly
I was also the same the deals are amazing, got pissed at MS with there original console news gave up on xbone and never looked back
Complete bull shit I got the voucher sent to my email for bf4 and it's saying it's not a valid voucher complete bull shit
preorder Battlefield 4 [Origin] ($48) | GreenManGaming | Use promo code TAREM-BF4NA-PROMO